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2024-03-23 01:27:29


《太平》《影響》《風調雨順》《水土保持》《憧憬》 《太平》 If every family is happy, the society will be peaceful 家庭幸福,社會就會太平 《影響》 The clim...

2024-03-23 01:25:31


《可愛》《知足》《快樂》《習慣》《心中》 《可愛》 To be loved by others, you must first be a lovable person 想要被別人愛,首先要做一個可愛的人 《知足》 Transform the dissatisf...

2024-03-23 01:23:42


《養成》《方向》《虛度一生》《是非》《尊重自己》 《養成》 The beauty of being a teacher is to lead by example and educate students to have good living habits 為師之美在於以身作則,教育學生養...

2024-03-23 01:21:33


《幸福》《純真》《大地》《奉獻》《溫暖》 《幸福》 Knowing how to be grateful and repaying gratitude is the truly blessed life 懂得感恩,回報感恩,才是真正幸福的人生 ...

2024-03-23 01:19:29


《氣流》《和睦相處》《深入人心》《代替》《感恩》 《氣流》 The feeling of difficulty between people is like an incompatible air current, which will lead to disaster 人與人之間的難處,就像一...

2024-03-23 01:17:30


《感到》《提升》《放過》《明白》《心中》 《感到》 Don't be ashamed or blame yourself for your own shortcomings 不要為自己的缺點感到羞恥或自責 《提升》 ...

2024-03-23 01:15:30


《充滿動力》《生活中》《無數次》《迷失》《節奏》 《充滿動力》 Never set limits for yourself, it keeps you motivated every day 永遠不要給自己設限,它讓你每天都充滿動力 ...

2024-03-23 01:13:46


《增減》《增加》《過度勞累》《解決》《方向》 《增減》 Change of seasons, pay attention to adding or removing clothes So as not to catch cold 換季,注意增減衣物 以免著涼 ...

2024-03-23 01:12:00


《漂亮》《勇敢面對》《拋棄》《消除》《生命》 《漂亮》 People are not cute because they are beautiful It's beautiful because it's cute 人不是因為漂亮才可愛 因為可愛所以漂亮 ...

2024-03-23 01:09:27


《不可預測》《珍惜》《各種各樣》《控制》《順從》 《不可預測》 Crisis is unpredictable 危機是不可預測的 《珍惜》 In peaceful days, we should always be grateful and cherish every op...

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