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2024-05-02 02:57:16


《競爭》《簡單》《習慣》《腳步》《本質》 《競爭》 Excessive pursuit of material things by people's hearts will cause greed and competition 人心過分追求物質,就會產生貪婪和競爭 《簡單》...

2024-05-02 02:56:17


《消除》《和諧》《度過一生》《昇華》《擾亂人心》 《消除》 Eliminate ignorance, you can eliminate afflictions, and everything will work 消除無明,就能消除煩惱,萬事大吉 《和諧》 ...

2024-05-02 02:55:06


《溫暖的陽光》《平安吉祥》《越來越多》《豁然開朗》《處處》 《溫暖的陽光》 So that people who are caught in misery and in the cold winter of life can also feel the warm sunshine 讓身處苦難中的...

2024-05-02 02:53:57


《遮住》《內心清淨》《心門》《萬物》《尊重生命》 《遮住》 Anger is like a cloud of fog covering the light, making people unable to see external things clearly 憤怒就像一團迷霧遮住了光,讓人看不...

2024-05-02 02:52:20


《騷亂》《對抗》《堅定前行》《滋養》《希望》 《騷亂》 Swearing, causing social disturbance 罵人,引起社會騷亂 《對抗》 Gratitude, resolving violent confrontation 感恩,化解暴力對抗 ...

2024-05-02 02:51:10


《淨化》《珍惜》《清淨的智慧》《專注》《流淌》 《淨化》 To purify the earth, we must also purify our hearts 要淨化地球,也要淨化我們的心 《珍惜》 To cherish the earth, we must also ...

2024-05-02 02:50:12


《心靈》《本分》《明亮》《歷程》《美好的生活》 《心靈》 Open up a well in everyone's heart, let the clear spring flow endlessly, and irrigate the heart 在每個人心中開一口井,讓清泉源源不絕,灌溉...

2024-05-02 02:49:03


《慈悲心》《甜蜜的滋味》《情》《種子》《努力》 《慈悲心》 Grasp the time Make good use of every minute and second Increase wisdom, gain merit, and generate compassion 把握時間 好好利用每一...

2024-05-02 02:48:08


《都是吉日》《孝心》《處處》《千奇百怪》《道德芬芳》 《都是吉日》 Always be grateful, every day is an auspicious day 常懷感恩,每一天都是吉日 《孝心》 Let parents rest assured, every da...

2024-05-02 02:47:06


《同時》《拔河》《精神上》《山崩地裂》《祥和》 《同時》 While comparing downwards can be content and grateful 向下比較的同時可以知足和感恩 《拔河》 The tug of war between good and e...

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