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2005-11-01 16:50:37| 人氣1,008| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

我的Mid term 英文作文, 大家請看, 好感人

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Let me tell you about my stepmother.

"Oh, Sweetheart, don’t cry, where is your mummy?"

That is how i was adopted. A young child I was, left alone in a shopping mall, my parents fled me and left me there to die. Luckily I was saved by my stepmother. I have no brothers and sisters, all I have now is me and my stepfather. I’ve grown up and I’ve got my own family, my wife works in a hotel as hotel manager.

Life is hard, but work is harder. I work as chief scout in a professional football club, Mancherster United to be precise. Being a scout is difficult work, going all over the world to find the new stars of football, who will be the next Ronaldo and Beckham.

My stepmother works as a secretary for the BBC Asia station. She gave birth to a baby once, but it died a few hours after birth. It was a great shock to her, she decided that she would not give birth again even though in her herat she wanted a baby allot. That is when she came across me in the shopping mall. She thought I was a present from God to her, and that is how I was adopted.

One day after I got home from a visit to Germany, I saw my wife’s colorless face." Mother is in hospital, she was bount, she ihe breathed in a lot of smoke, the doctor said she may not make it to the end of the week, you better go and see her." I rushed to my car and sped off to the hospital - nothing in the world is more important than my stepmother, without her, i would have nothing .

Arriving at the hospital, I saw the doctor’s gloomy face " Her situation as worsened, she may not live till the end of the day, stay with her till she goes." Tears stared dropping from my eyes, I could not imagine my life without her. I went inside and saw her, she looked so weak and fragile, totally different from the real her. I held her hands and told her everything from the bottom of my heart. Stepfather couldn’t bear seing her die and left to cry. I stayed with her and told her all the lies I had told her. She listened and tears tarted dropping from her eyes too. She indicated that she wanted to tell me something, I bent down, kissed her and put my ear to hear what she wanted to say."I Love You" Beep.......There she was gone, just like a breeze.

I sat down looked through the window and told myself not to cry, but the tears didn’t hold back. I heard a voice say. " I;m so proud of you" and then I replied" I feel proud of myself."

Teachers Comment: "Nice story, a bit depressing though.

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台長: *傻豬▂_
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