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2005-08-28 00:55:54| 人氣134| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A New Year’s Aim (新一年的目標)

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過多幾天便是新一個學年了...又係時候收拾心情, 讀好d 書..
其實, 今年對我好重要, 因為我決定了讀完今年f4, 便正式回到澳洲...所以今年該是我的last-year (如冇意外ge話...). 說到last-year, 那今年的report-card 就拿下更好的分數, 到了澳洲的時候入學就易搞... 今年的目標, 嗯...我都不知道. 今年真係好似好難咁, 對d野好陌生. 以前phy, chem 唔識可以問anton, 佢咁錫我, 點都會教返我ge. 今年可不同了, chem. 變左做noble教, physics 由 "型"sir 接手 (唔好問我佢點解叫"型"sir...因為我不知道..) biology 舊年just scraped through (即好險咁過關), 今年該不會有這麼好運吧!? 點都好啦, 而家都太遲啦, 既然已經簡左, 只好硬著頭皮去做, 全力以赴...對吧?

The new school year will commence just round a few days time (1/9 to be exact, Charlotte!_) . So its time 4 me to get myself back into one part and et into gear. This year will probobly be my last year studying in Macau, i’ve decided to go back to Australia to continue studies there. So this year’s results will be very important forme. If i get good results, i will have a much bigger choice of Colleges in Australia. If i get bad, ...yeah, you know what happens...This year’s aim? i dunno right at the moment. Everything seems so strange and new to me. Last year, for my physics and chemistry, i can go and ask anton anytime, becoz he is always willing to listen to my rubbbish questions >.< but this year, Mr. Noble(Chemistry)... i don’t have much of a good feeling that he is going to teach us well... and mr. cool teaches us Physics, he speakes so bad english, i can barely hear what he says in english, so this will be a big challenge. For Biology, i only just scraped through last year (i dunno y...i’ve read the book fromback to fromt andfront to back a few hundred times...), this year its not going to get any easier, so i’ll have to try harder on that subject. (maybe i have to read it upside down..._)

My goal this year, the same as last year, to break into the top 10, but there will be around 50 students in 1 class this year, so i should say, anywhere from 8th. to 12th. will be the best, any place higher, i’ll be a happy man, anywhere under 15th, means i’m not trying hard enough...

台長: *傻豬▂_
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