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2006-12-10 02:05:09


第一次的西裝.. 愛上了... 最開心 莫過於和好友一齊過 Donald, Louis, Sunny 班主任的支持和鼓勵 是我今年考A-Level 中文的原動力... 我會比心機去考ga... 我要攞"A"Louis, Sunny, Donald, To...

2006-12-10 01:47:56


http://blackie.channelv.com/blackie/blog/comment/index.htm?user_id=16 超似佢.... 迷倒了.... Mv*] 黑澀會美眉˙Shake It Baby http://www.wretch.cc/blog/trackback.phpblog_id=mayday200...

2006-12-07 19:07:36

Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology

Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology - 企業組織心理學? Industrial-organizational psychology helps develop strategies that build better organizations. An I-O psychologist can help you with sta...

2006-12-07 18:16:05


You scored as HR/BusinessManagement. You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Human Resources Management or Business Management, or related majors (e.g. Entrepreneurship, Hospitality,...

2006-12-06 18:30:31

Bell Center - CEM Building

其實比唔比咁樣上網呢? 好似上堂上網咁 我應該自習ga ma... 而家又msn 又新聞台 我d 唔好意思tim... 希望佢唔check 啦   keke

2006-12-06 00:48:48


本來今日心情都ok ge.. 不過比d 人影響曬 出左board ok靚啦 加左燈係唔同d 跑步 幾好 最後200都仲有力加速... 學校 都ok 不過忙塊board好辛苦 買左西裝同褲啦...

2006-12-06 00:42:44

I swear

我發誓我要你做我下屬 十年廿年三十年都好 我都要under 我 我唔會比你有機會超越我 你咪再做井底之蛙啦 日日淨係識得死咪書 你以為自己好了不起咩? 行開少少啦 唔該 識計戈幾條數 就巴巴閉 ...

2006-12-04 01:01:06


why am i still not sleeping? why didnt i do my work on saturday? where is my papers? what am i doing? ...... Why did i play so much this weekend?

2006-11-30 20:05:34

You are The Emperor

You are The Emperor Stability, power, protection, realization; a great person. The Emperor is the great authority figure of the Tarot, so it represents fathers, father-figures and employers. There...

2006-11-28 23:38:24


周公Calling,lets take flight, I see 何x賢 in my sight. I feel drowsy, I feel dizzy, Who can buy me, a cup of coffee? 我的物理堂... 難怪我現在這麼努力在溫習...

2006-11-28 17:50:43

Homework and Differentiation

d微積分好鬼難呀 又要好努力咁自修呀... 唔好教得咁快啦 d功課又唔係好識做.. 又有d 英文功課 雅思又未做 星期四物理呀... 今晚又要跑 聽晚又要雅思同練波 =口= 要足球定要學業? 我要學業...

2006-11-26 23:08:53


一陣陣的憂慮無形中消除.. 她的出現証明她不是一個現實的人 那幾句的關心說話...不是有心說出來的 好自然...雖然我自己都唔知點解會咁.. 做左好多功課...但係未溫過書... 星期四的物理測驗 怎麼死...

2006-11-19 13:16:16

Effing School Life

Effing School Life 炒左maths 炒左comprehension chi9sin ga...compre 都炒.. 唔溫有7,8頭 一溫即奶野 好有問題lo 今日unseen compre 好易... 講澳洲ma....我實識啦 中午又去...

2006-11-19 13:13:39


Thursday, November 16, 2006 尋晚個老師入泥 派返個作文 佢話作得唔錯 多d練習 同參考模擬試題 應該可以係writing有個好好ge 分 一段小對話... me+anita ni chong na li lai ah? o, wor...

2006-11-19 13:11:58

Zero Again?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006 睇泥聽日d log數同埋indicies 都係要放棄啦 真係溫唔曬呀... 上年f4戈課攞左0雞旦... 今年....睇泥要重演呢場悲劇啦 而家唯有希望d partial fractions 同limit 識啦....

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