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2005-12-30 18:06:14| 人氣132| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wanna be with you

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Wanna Be With You

Maurice white & wayne vaughn

Yesterday seems like so long ago
This space i’m in, reminds me so
Of the times, i use to rip and run
Shootin’ my guns and out for fun

As time passed by, i changed my point of view
Started to search for someone like you
You made me feel so much love from the heart
Enough to know we’ll never part

I wanna be with you
That’s all i want to do
I wanna be with you
That’s all i want to do
I wanna be with you

Look at you, like someone from a dream
You came to me, in time of need
You are the best, you’re different from the rest
You take the cake, for goodness sake

I take you out, to prove that it’s true
The greatest love i ever knew
Is in my arms, for more than just a night
’cause baby now, you are my life

I wanna be with you
That’s all i want to do
I wanna be with you
That’s all i want to do
I wanna be with you

台長: 放羊的星星
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