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2005-12-30 18:02:09| 人氣101| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

So Young

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"So Young"
Lyrics:The Corrs Music:The Corrs

We were taking it easy
Bright and breezy
We are living it up
Just fine and dandy
We are chasing the moon
Just running wild and free
We are following through
Every dream, and every need

And it really doesn’t matter that we don’t eat
And it really doesn’t matter that we don’t sleep
It really doesn’t matter, really doesn’t matter at all

Cos we were so young then, we are so young, so young now
And when tomorrow comes, we’ll just do it all again

We are caught in a haze
On these lazy summer days
We’re spending all of our nights just
A-laughing, kissing, yeah

No it really doesn’t matter that we don’t eat
No it really doesn’t matter that we don’t sleep
No it really doesn’t matter, really doesn’t matter at all...



台長: 放羊的星星
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