September 25, 2007
PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. Prime Minister, it's good to see you again. We generally
meet via TV screens, and now it's good to see you in person. And I appreciate
your delegation coming. You brought a very distinguished delegation -- ministers
in this government, foreign ministers, the Speaker of the Assembly is with us
today -- Mr. Speaker, thank you.
We talked about a lot of issues, and spent time talking about reconciliation
and law. And the Prime Minister and the Speaker are dedicated to getting good
law out of the assembly. And the political parties in Iraq must understand the
importance of getting these laws passed. Some politicians may be trying to block
the law to gain special advantage. And these parties have got to understand that
it's in the interests of Iraq to get good law passed. And so I want to thank you
for you're dedication and your commitment to laws that will help this young
democracy reconcile and move forward.
The Prime Minister and I have talked about a variety of concerns. And I
assured him we want his security forces well-trained, mobile and capable of
handling Iraqi security on their own. I have made it clear to the American
people that our troop levels will depend upon success. When General Petraeus
reported to the country, you know, I talked about troops coming home based upon
success. And success in Iraq is important to the future of our country, it's
obviously important to the people of Iraq.
You're sitting in a vital region and when you succeed -- which I'm confident
you will -- it'll send a message to other people who believe in peace. It'll
make it easier for people to grow up with a hopeful future in the Middle East.
When that happens, it makes America more secure. If we were to leave before the
job is done, chaos could ensue, innocent people would lose their life,
extremists would be emboldened; nations that are worried about the United States
would -- about our commitment, would lose their nerve; the countries of the
Middle East would be endangered, and that would cause America to be endangered,
as well.
And so we're with you, Prime Minister. We thank you for the courage of the
Iraqi people. We expect there to be reconciliation and law, just like you expect
there to be reconciliation and law. And I appreciate your time today. Appreciate
your remarks yesterday; I thought they were strong remarks about a hopeful Iraq.
It's good to be with you.
PRIME MINISTER MALIKI: (As translated.) Thank you very much, Mr. President. I
am grateful to be here with you. I thank you for the meeting with your
distinguished delegation and with my delegation.
During the meeting with the President we have reviewed a number of issues. We
have discussed a variety of issues. All of them are common issues that we
strongly believe that they represent the mutual goal that we have, the mutual
goal of confronting and defeating terrorism, as well as building and continuing
to build the Iraqi institutions and the Iraqi government.
The Iraqi side is fully prepared to assume all the responsibilities and to
work for a better future for all of Iraq. We have made it very clear and
emphasized that the future of Iraq goes through the gates of national
reconciliations, of political agreements. That is the way to make the states and
that's the way to ensure and assure the future of Iraq.
The task before us is gigantic. We have succeeded in ridding Iraq of the
dictatorship and the regime that governed there. Now we have another challenge,
which is to get rid of terrorism, terrorist organizations. The road will be
long; it requires cooperation and the international community in order to uproot
terrorism and secure a better future for everyone.
We believe and we feel that there is a development and progress that's
happening every day in our political life, in the way to manage and administer
the country in the security situation. Of course, as the President referred,
also we have some spending legislations that we will continue to exert every
possible efforts to have those spending legislations passed. They've been sent
to the Iraqi parliament. But also we continue to work on the basis of the
existing law and we continue to work to have those legislations passed.
We also discussed the importance of the region where we live. It is a vital
region. It is important for Iraq and the region to be away from conflicts, to
have a safer region and a safer Iraq, and to uproot terrorism in that part of
the world and in that country. Iraq's security is very important and we have
talked about the importance of mutual respect between our two sides and working
together for our mutual goals. We have a great deal of confidence that we will
be victorious.
END 11:41 A.M. EDT