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Chat with God

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你要保守你心、勝過保守一切〔或作你要切切保守你心〕因為一生的果效、是由心發出。箴言 4 : 23

不要效法這個世界.只要心意更新而變化、叫你們察驗何為 神的善良、純全可喜悅的旨意。我憑著所賜我的恩、對你們各人說、不要看自己過於所當看的.要照著 神所分給各人信心的大小、看得合乎中道。
羅馬書 12 : 2~3


----- Original Message -----

God: Hello. Did you call me?
上帝: 哈囉﹐你是不是找我?

Me: Called you? No, who is this?
我: 找你? 沒有啊﹐你是誰?

God: This is GOD. I heard your prayers. So I thought I will chat.
上帝: 我是上帝。 我聽到你的禱告。 我想是時候要和你談談。

Me: I do pray. Just makes me feel good. I am actually busy now. am in the midst of something.
我: 我是有為了平安禱告。 其實我很忙﹐現在正忙著處理一些事情....

God: What are you busy at? Ants are busy too ...
上帝:你在忙甚麼? 螞蟻也很忙呢....

Me: Don’t know. But I can’t find free time. Life has become hectic. It’s rush hour all the time.
我: 不知道﹐只是覺得沒有時間。 生活變得很忙碌﹐時常都是匆匆忙忙的。

God: Sure. Activity gets you busy. But productivity gets you results. Activity consumes time. Productivity frees it.
上帝: 那當然。 太多的活動令你匆忙﹐但有績效才能帶給你成果。 活動佔用了你全部時間﹐有績效就能令你可以有多一點時間。

Me: I understand. But I still can’t figure out. By the way, I was not expecting YOU to buzz me on instant messaging chat.
我: 我也明白。 但總是處理得不好。 對了﹐我並沒想到你會這時候出現和我對話。

God: Well I wanted to resolve your fight for time, by giving you some clarity. In this net era, I wanted to reach you through the medium you are comfortable with. 上帝: 是的﹐我想幫你解決 "沒時間" 這個問題﹐給你一些清晰的觀點。 在這個互聯網時代﹐我想用一些令你比較舒適的方法來溝通。

Me: Tell me, why has life become complicated now?
我: 可否告訴我﹐為甚麼現在生活變得這麼複雜?

God: Stop analyzing life. Just live it. Analysis is what makes it complicated.
上帝: 不要去分析生命﹐只要好好過你的生活﹐分析會令生活變得複雜。

Me: Why are we then constantly unhappy?
我: 為何我們常常都不快樂?

God: Your today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday. You are worrying because you are analyzing. Worrying has become your habit. That’s why you are not happy.
上帝: 你的今天是你在明天時為昨日而憂慮的。 因你分析生命﹐所以你憂慮﹐它已經成了一個習慣﹐因此你不快樂。

Me: But how can we not worry when there is so much uncertainty?
我: 生命有太多的無常﹐又教我如何不憂慮?

God: Uncertainty is inevitable, but worrying is optional.
上帝: 無常是不可避免﹐但憂慮與否是可以選擇。

Me: But then, there is so much pain due to uncertainty.
我: 但是﹐無常往往帶來很多痛楚。

God: Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional.
上帝: 痛楚是不可避免﹐受苦與否是可以選擇的。

Me: If suffering is optional, why do good people always suffer?
我: 如果受苦可以選擇的話﹐為何那麼多好人遭遇到苦難?

God: Diamond cannot be polished without friction. Gold cannot be purified without fire. Good people go through trials, but don’t suffer. With that experience their life becomes better not bitter.
上帝: 不經過打磨的鑽石就不會有光澤。 不經過火燒的黃金就不純淨。 好人要經過試練﹐但不受苦。 他們會變得更好而不是更苦。

Me: You mean to say such experience is useful?
我: 你是說那些試煉是有益的?

God: Yes. In every term, Experience is a hard teacher. She gives the test first and the lessons afterwards.
上帝: 是的。 所有的試煉都是好的。 經驗是一個嚴謹的好老師﹐它先給你試驗然後再教你功課。

Me: But still, why should we! go through such tests? Why can’t we be free from problems?
我: 雖然如此﹐我還是覺得為何一定要經過試煉? 難道不能完全沒有問題嗎?

God : Problems are Purposeful Roadblocks Offering Beneficial Lessons to Enhance Mental Strength. Inner strength comes from struggle and endurance, not when you are free from problems.
上帝: 生命上的挫折就像是有含意的路障﹐提供令人得益處的功課﹐能強化意志上的力量﹐內心堅毅的力量就是從奮鬥及忍耐當中得著的 ﹐不是 "事事如意" 所能學習的到。

Me: Frankly in the midst of so many problems, we don’t know where we are.
我: 很坦白說﹐身處在那麼多的問題中﹐我們都已迷失了。

God: If you look outside you will not know where you are heading. Look inside. Looking outside, you dream. Looking inside, you awaken. Eyes provide sight. Heart provides insight.
上帝:如果你往外看﹐你不知要去那裡。 要往內看。往外看﹐你會夢想。 往內看﹐會醒悟。 眼睛讓你有視覺﹐內心卻令你醒覺。

Me: Sometimes not succeeding fast seems to hurt more than moving in the right direction. What should I do?
我: 有時不能很快走上成功之路比走對了方向更帶來傷害。 應如何處理?

God: Success is a measure as decided by others. Satisfaction is a measure as decided by you. Knowing the road ahead is more satisfying than knowing you rode ahead. You work with the compass. Let others work with the clock.
上帝: 成功是別人給你的衡量。 滿不滿足則是你自己的決定。 知道當走的路比走在前端更能帶來滿足。 別人是圍繞時鐘不停工作﹐你卻要用指南針來有方向地工作。

Me: In tough times, how do you stay motivated?
我: 在艱苦的日子﹐怎樣可以保持動力而不沮喪?

God: Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing.
上帝: 要常常從你已經走了多少路的角度來看﹐而不要看前面還有多遠的路要走。 要數算神的恩典﹐別數算你的不足。

Me: What surprises you about people?
我: 你覺得人有甚麼地方令你驚訝?

God: When they suffer they ask, "why me?" When they prosper, they never ask "Why me". Everyone wishes to have truth on their side, but few want to be on the side of the truth.
上帝: 當他們受了一點苦就喊說 " 為何偏偏選中我 ?" 當他們事事如意時卻從來不會喊 " 為何偏偏選中我 ?" 每個人都希望有真理在背後支持自己﹐卻很少有人一開始就站在真理那一方。

Me: Sometimes I ask, who am I, why am I here. I can’t get the answer.
我: 我常問﹐"我是誰? 在這裡幹甚麼? " 我找不到答案!

God: Seek not to find who you are, but to determine who you want to be. Stop looking for a purpose as to why you are here. Create it. Life is not a process of discovery but a process of creation.
上帝: 不要去找 "你是誰," 但要決定你要成為甚麼。 別再找尋你存在的目的。 要創造它 ! 生命不是一個發現的過程﹐而是一個創造的旅程。

Me: How can I get the best out of life?
我: 怎樣才能好好利用我的生命?

God: Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear.
上帝: 面對過去﹐不要後悔。 充滿信心﹐迎接今天。 摒棄恐懼﹐策劃將來。

Me: One last question. Sometimes I feel my prayers are not answered.
我: 最後一個問題。 有時候我覺得禱告不蒙垂聽。

God: There are no unanswered prayers. At times the answer is NO.
上帝: 從來沒有禱告不蒙垂聽。 因當時的答覆是 " 不行! "

Me: Thank you for this wonderful chat. I am so happy to start the day with a new sense of inspiration.
我: 多謝這麼美好的傾談。 很高興得到嶄新的屬靈意義來開始新的一天。

God: Well, Keep the faith and drop the fear. Don’t believe your doubts and doubt your beliefs. Life is a mystery to solve, not a problem to resolve. Trust me. Life is wonderful if you know how to live. Best wishes for a good day.
上帝: 記住﹐保守你的信心﹐摒棄恐懼。 不要相信你的懷疑﹐而要懷疑你的信心足不足夠。 生命是一個要解開的奧秘﹐不是一個要解決的問題。 相信我 ﹐如果你學會如何生活﹐生命是美妙的! 祝你有美好的一天 。

台長: MorNiNgGrAcE
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