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2016-01-22 14:33:55| 人氣1,040| 回應1 | 上一篇

Far from the Madding Crowd

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Bathsheba Everdene... Carey Mulligan, enough to recommand this film.
William Boldwood....poor rich old man who poured his heart out and got nothing back.
Gabriel Oak.... a boring, nothing but ordinary guy who is always there for Everdene.
Francis Troy ....fucking asshole.

Don't see this as a normal love story. It's not. I especially love Everdene's confession to Oak about the reason why she married Francis, so irrational, so real.

Beautiful landscape with decent film score, nice. 

Come all you fair and tender girls,  That flourish in your prime, Beware, beware, keep your garden fair, Let no man steal your thyme, Let no man steal your thyme.
For when your thyme it is past and gone, He'll care no more for you, And every place where your thyme was waste, Will all spread o'er with rue, Will all spread o'er with rue.
The gardeners son was standing by, Three flowers he gave to me, The pink, the blue, and the violent true, And the red red rosy tree, And the red red rosy tree.
But I refuse the red rose bush,  And gained the willow tree,  That all the world may plainly see, How my love slighted me, How my love slighted me.

台長: Highroad
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