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2011-11-16 13:57:30| 人氣1,647| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Kyo Korean BBQ - Sushi House

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Affordable, decent quality all you can eat Korean BBQ and Japanese sushi restaurant.

Kyo Korean BBQ - Sushi House is the latest all you can eat fusion restaurant in town. Located at the former Shabusen Yakitorey House on Granville this new restaurant shares many superficial similarities.

Kyo soft opened sometime in the second week of September and official opened Sept 16.

The place was surprisingly full  in weekends ,it had a steady stream of mainly asian families and groups coming and going.

The decor was pretty impressive inside .

The overall design and seating layout are nearly identical .

Several flat screen TV's are placed around the room and they've gone for the dark wood

 and cold colours design that has become increasingly popular with Japanese upstarts.

Nice view to Granville St.

Surprisingly, a great spot for miso soup, yum!

My new friend.~Miss, Orange who is comes from Taiwan too.

The staff were attentive and friendly.

The food came out so fast that I almost didn't have time to catch my breathe.

I won't go into detail about each dish since the All You Can Eat menu is

 based on the tapas concept and would be far too numerous.

The overall quality and preparation is great.

I definitely would recommend Kyo to my friends.

Give it a shot.

It is far better than going to the downtown Shabusan.

2993 Granville St
Vancouver, BC V6H 3J6
 Neighbourhoods: Fairview Slopes, South Granville

(604) 739-8868

2011 11 15

台長: Momo~
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全站分類: 美食情報(食記、食譜、飲品) | 個人分類: Great food in Vancouver溫哥華美食 |
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2011-11-16 14:39:55
ha..I eat out a lot.
2011-12-01 07:09:26
thank you to visit me today! i am so glad to see you again, you look so fresh!
2011-11-16 15:23:58
Dear Orange~

So nice to see you again too.connect with me if u need any of my help in Vancouver..ok?? don't want u feel u r alone here.
2011-12-01 07:08:50
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