Indigo Food Cafe~
Cafe Indigo is an award winning organic and vegan bakery and cafe.
They want to create the highest quality organic and vegan food that everyone can enjoy.
店內只有七 八張桌子 我在離峰時間來品嚐 優閒自得
Featuring Dasha, the angelic soprano singing popular, classical music
Fri, Sat 7:30 - 9:00
Featuring Ashley, the beautiful Middle-Eastern dance artist
Fri from 9:00 - 9:30
Space is limited, so call to reserve your spot, 604-537-7288
$40.00 per Person
$ 47.00/ Fri and Sat after 7:30 include life performance
結帳後的客人都會讚不絕口 直說還要再來
光顧一次只能嚐到百分之一 還得多來幾次 才行 ~
白開水+枸杞與檸檬片 ~真是用心
要享受美食又要兼顧健康美味 到這裡準沒錯~
戶外還有座位 剛剛三個帥哥才離席~
周五 周六有舞蹈表演 記得一定要預約歐~
Raw food cafe, culinary school, classes, chef and instructor certification program,
personal chef, meals delivery, consulting.
老闆娘非常親切 忙碌之中還幫我拍照呢!
免費的瑜珈展覽會 11/4 TO 11/6 at Canada place Convention centre.
Fruit salad with fermented coconut yogurt 水果優格加穀類$9
創意的蔬果料理 美觀又美味!

勝家牌的縫衣機 機座成為桌子 頗具創意
異國風的餐廳 小巧繽紛
Come experience what is everyone is raving about--tastes that are out of this world that will leave you feeling energized!
Featuring Dasha, the angelic soprano singing popular, classical music
Fri, Sat 7:30 - 9:00
Featuring Ashley, the beautiful Middle-Eastern dance artist
Fri from 9:00 - 9:30
Space is limited, so call to reserve your spot, 604-537-7288
$40.00 per Person
$ 47.00/ Fri and Sat after 7:30 include life performance

親了會變得比較懂烹飪的話 我就親~

High tea $20 with tea. 享受悠閒的午後 
Coconut Wrap with raw nut cheese and sprouts 健康無負擔

每個小點心都好好吃歐 !! 無糖 無油 無奶 標榜絕對不會引起過敏反應
selection for the High tea:
•Mini Chocolate Ganache,
•Mini Berries cheese Cake
•Coconut Cream Pie
•Pineapple candy spears dipped in Chocolate
•Chocolate hearts
•Lemon-Goji Truffles
•Berry Romanoff with coconut yogurt and raw sprouted granola
•Kale chips
•Coconut cheese With Crackers
•Collard Roll Enchilada
•Stuffed mushroom
The Royal Afternoon Tea All of the above served along with your choice of our selection of the finest quality of Organic, Fare Trade loose leaf blended teas …
Try your tea with Coconut Sugar and Almond milk
Black teas
Emperor’s Choice – India-Ceylon tea, cherimoya and quince fruit oils, pineapple/lemon bits, safflower petals
Wild Strawberry – Dried Strawberries and Assam Tea – organic fair trade
Orchard White Peony – White tea – organic fair trade
Organic Green teas
Lemon Chamomile – A fresh lemon flavor spiced with natural lemon oil,
camomile flowers and citrus bits
Moonlight Jasmine – organic fair trade
Pear Sencha – Delightful flavour of pear and jasmine flowers, spiced with natural pear oil and jasmine buds.
Organic Rooibos
Rooibos-chocolate – Fair trade
Herbal teas
Nile Valley Chamomile – Flowers and Green Apples – organic fair trade
Rose Petals – Sweet and Floral – organic fair trade
Kale chips with cheese flavour

高纖五穀餅乾與自製天然醬料+玉米 真是美味!
穀類 深綠色有機蔬菜 番茄片 香菇 黃茄片等 ~

不甜不膩的巧克力 Brownies

藍莓起司蛋糕+ 杏仁味小點心
小番茄挖空加上特製醬料 頭一次品嚐就會愛上這美味!
店裡就這麼大 最好平日下午來 以免向隅
Raw food is uncooked, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and sprouted grains.
This raw food can be eaten whole or combined to make the healthiest, most delicious meals.
Sound boring? NO Way!!!
Imagine eating burgers, pizza, pasta, cookies, cakes and pies everyday.
Imagine never having to count calories, proteins, fats or carbs!
You won't have to weigh or measure your food. The raw food diet is about eating whatever you want, whenever you want!
You can lose weight, heal your body, increase your energy, look and feel younger,
not in years, not in months but within days!
三層的下午茶 $30
The tradition of High Tea goes back many years to the late 1700's.The custom of drinking tea originated in England when Catherine of Bragança married Charles II in 1661 and brought the practise of drinking tea in the afternoon with her from Portugal.
Come experience what is everyone is raving about--
tastes that are out of this world that will leave you feeling energized!
Business hours:
Monday - Closed for the classes and private events
Tuesday - 10AM-5PM
Wednesday 10AM-5PM
Thursday - 10AM-5PM
Friday - 10AM-10PM
Live Music Events 7:30 pm-9:30pm
Saturday - 10:00AM-10:00 PM
Live Music Events 7:30 pm-9pm
Please note:
Reservations suggested for the Friday and Saturday
For reservations please Call Indigo Food Cafe: 604-568 6549 , 604-537 7288
high tea$40
Mei and I~
Mei and I~
Indigo Food cafe
2589 W16 Avenue, Vancouver V6K3B9, BC
info from~
2011 10 25 Indigo Food Cafe~