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La Conner ,WA~美食美酒之旅

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  On the way to Taylor shellfish farms.  Genny,Jon and me. 


From Bellingham or the USA Border take I-5 South. About 25 minutes South of Bellingham take Highway 20 west towards Anacortes and the San Juan Ferries (exit #230). After about 10 minutes on Highway 20 you will see a sign that tells you to turn left towards La Conner on to La Conner-Whitney Road (The Farmhouse Inn will be on the SW corner & a gas station and store on the SE corner). Take this left and follow La Conner-Whitney Road for about five minutes into the town of La Conner roundabout and Morris Street. The La Conner visitor Information Center is located on the 2nd block of Morris St on your left.



Growing shellfish is a Taylor Family tradition. Our great grandfather tried his hand at ranching with Wyatt Earp in Arizona and searching for gold in Alaska. But he found his true niche in the 1880's farming the tiny Olympia oyster from the pristine waters of Western Washington's Puget Sound.

Our father, Justin Taylor and his brother, the late Edwin Taylor, envisioned a state-of-the-art shellfish company when they took the reins of the family business in the late 1960's. Over the years they enlarged the number of our tidelands and began growing more varieties of shellfish. Their combined efforts laid the groundwork for today's Taylor Shellfish Farms.

The Taylor family has now been growing shellfish for over 100 years. Our dedication to our heritage has resulted in a modern company that is now the largest Manila clam producer in the United States, and also cultivates a greater variety of shellfish than any other shellfish grower. And yes, we still farm the rare, world-renowned Olympia oyster.


Taylor Shellfish Farms has combined over a century of experience with modern technology to create state-of-the-art farms, production facilities, and quality monitoring systems. From the moment our oyster, clam, mussel, and geoduck seed leaves our hatchery, to the day a crop is harvested, we nurture the growing shellfish, protect them from predators, and work to ensure that the waters of the Sound remain clean and clear. This means we can guarantee the quality of our shellfish with confidence and pride.

For more information about us go to www.taylorshellfishfarms.com




用檸檬與TABASCO將生蠔 OYSTERS 提味 口味獨特 !


LA  CONNER除了在四月季節可以欣賞鬱金香外 這美麗的小鎮有許多獨特的商店林立

許多住在西雅圖的有錢人 將此當作度假休憩的選擇之一~

 連電燈開關的裝飾品就掛滿整片牆 我買了些漂浮蠟燭 手工製的


拍不玩的藝術品 這個太可愛囉!!
   店家用木頭作成的螃蟹招牌 獨具一格!

狹長的海灣地理位置 故可以在此捕獲豐富的魚類 貝類等


 男人的眮體  細網的鐵絲製成


對設計很有興趣的兒子 第一次造訪美國 高興地很!

 我在台灣的家也有類似作品  可見潺潺不斷的水流


玻璃創作 每件商品都很新潮 特殊 難怪許多人來在此尋寶!

 燈臺 別具巧思 藝術的世界讓人生更美好


˙隔天 7/4就是美國國慶 商家巧心設計的國旗裝飾!
沿著Chuckanut Dr 開 可以到達這家漁場 Taylor shellfish farms~

工作人員將生蠔分裝 她們還親切地跟我們介紹分享

不同的貝類 還可宅配歐!
https://www.taylorshellfishstore.com/ 可以在網路上購買她們家的產品歐!



Address at  2182 Chuckanut Dr,Bow,WA ,USA  phone 360-766-6002 

只有四個字 新鮮便宜!!

The Taylor family has been growing shellfish for over 100 years. Our dedication to our heritage has resulted in a modern and innovative company that grows the most Manila clams in all of North America and commercially cultivates the largest variety of shellfish over any other producer in the world.

特殊的地理環境 造就了此地豐富的漁獲與人文


Skagit Valley Tulip Festival

100 E Montgomery
Mount Vernon, WA 98273


Festival held during April celebrating the hundreds of acres of blooming tulips around La Conner. Over 40 different events and activities.

 更具特色的餐廳與酒吧林立 晚上來此應更有別番風味!




 最後決定買回的酒 才美金十多元

因為要過加拿大海關 無法購買太多


漁場旁的light house..

中餐點的還是海鮮  兒子選了生蠔漢堡 太酷了!



今天吃了八種不同的海鮮 ~~美食美酒之旅 讓此行更具味道!



101+ Things to do in La Conner
101+ Things to do in La Conner

101 things to do in la conner


1. Take an "Art Walk" the third Saturday evening of each month, featuring La Conner and Skagit Valley artists.

2. Enjoy a seasonal fashion show featuring new arrivals from local merchants, sponsored by Soroptimist International of La Conner.

3. In late winter, arm yourself with camera and binoculars and view the beautiful Trumpeter Swans & Snow Geese.

4. Bring the family and take part in the Museum of Northwest Art (MONA) Family Art Days.

5. Dress up your boat and join in the Opening Day Boat Parade in May.

6. Stop by La Conner Marina for the annual Father's Day Swap Meet and Boat Show

7. Attend La Conner's Museum of Northwest Art annual Art Auction in June and meet the artist's in person.

8. Meet friends and family for a waterfront view of La Conner's Fireworks display, July 4th, dusk.

9. Have your map stamped at participating stores for La Conner's Quilt Walk in September.

10. Enjoy the annual Halloween Parade and Merchant Trick or Treat. Don't forget your costume!

11. Art's Alive! The best celebration in town comes at the beginning of November. A great time to shop for the holidays!

12. Have Breakfast with Santa at Maple Hall the day after Thanksgiving.

13. Wave to Santa in the Christmas Parade.

14. Participate in the Gingerbread House Contest at La Conner's Fruit & Produce Market. All ages of amateurs and professionals welcome.

15. Get away for a romantic weekend. La Conner has been voted one of the top 5 best places to kiss. We know romance!

16. Participate in the annual Smelt Derby in February, sponsored by La Conner's Rotary Club.

17. Take a walk on the wild side by visiting our Swinomish Channel studded with Seals, Bald Eagles, Great Blue Heron, & Otters.

18. Breathe deep while walking along the La Conner South and North Marina and view the classic, new and used boats.

19. Get on the mailing list of your favorite store and attend their promotions and events.

20. Loaded with valuable information, log onto La Conner's web site to plan your vacation, or special event: www.laconnerchamber.com

21. Each La Conner merchant carries unique items, not duplicated in town. They can ship your selection to you also!

22. Read a book! La Conner's bookstore will fill your mind with ideas and interests, including author readings.

23. At the roundabout, enroll with La Conner's local farmer for the summer co-op. Pick up a share of freshly grown organic produce, and tell "Mary" hi!

24. Refresh during the summer with an ice cream cone at the La Conner Ice Cream Tower, an old water tower moved into town.

25. Explore Magnus Anderson's hand split-log cabin built in 1869, located by La Conner's Town Hall on Second & Commercial Streets.

26. Admire the beautifully refurbished Sacred Heart Catholic Church built in 1899. The Swinomish Indians carried the bell to La Conner from Astoria, Oregon by foot & canoe.

27. Visit the famous Swinomish Indian totem pole on the west bank of the Swinomish channel - the only known totem pole carrying the likeness of a President, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

28. Tour La Conner's Quilt and Textile Museum, one of only 12 quilt museums in the U.S.

29. Walk across the Rainbow Bridge built in 1957 and now a National Landmark. Watch the pleasure and working boats pass below. Don't forget your camera!

30. Dine in style on world-class cuisine at one of La Conner's many restaurants.

31. Plan on staying several nights in La Conner at a collection of first rate accommodations.

32. Explore La Conner's history. Look for plaques on buildings, parks and statues for clues to the past.

33. Take in the slower pace of the special waterfront town. Sit with a local and visit to find out what makes La Conner, well, La Conner!

34. Enjoy the sites of the old and new architecture within La Conner.

35. Wine taste at La Conner's local wine shop. Pick up all the ingredients for a picnic, with locally made cheese and more.

36. Go fly a kite! Get your footing on the Pearle Jensen Beach Trail.

37. Kayak the Swinomish Channel and go through Hole-in-the-Wall to the North Fork of the Skagit River.

38. Enjoy the annual La Conner Classic Car and Boat Show in September.

39. Hike Pioneer Park's new Trails.

40. View the mural at Pioneer Park.

41. Find the wild turkeys, or let them find you!

42. U-Pick apples, strawberries, raspberries, or blueberries from Skagit Valley's local farms.

43. U-pick a pumpkin at one of La Conner's local farms.

44. Print your own tee shirt by using a real fish at the Smelt Derby in February.

45. Watch as boats are lifted out of the water using a giant lift at La Conner's Marina.

46. Take a Seaplane Flight Excursion during April.

47. Join the Swinomish Indian Tribe for an Earth Enhancement Celebration in April. Help add to the beauty of the Northwest. Salmon lunch, cultural dancing and music.

48. Attend the annual La Conner Summer Street Fair in June. Open-air shopping, sidewalk sales and delicious food.

49. Take time to watch Sundowners Open water Kayak Races in February.
50. Enjoy the site of an original, hand carved river canoe by Town Hall.

51. Stop by our visitor's center to pick up an area map of La Conner and ask our knowledgeable Visitor Information Center staff your questions.

52. Meander through our antique shops. You may find something that brings back memories!

53. Stroll the village while enjoying hand made chocolates from the candy store on First Street.

54. Relax on a waterfront bench and count the boats.

55. Go bird watching. Skagit Valley is one of 5 major flyways for migrating birds, including Snow Geese and Trumpeter Swans.

56. Cruise through Deception Pass (check your tide books for this trip) and explore its unique geological formations.

57. Pack a picnic and explore one of the small islands, including Hope, Goat, Skagit, Cypress, Saddlebags and many more.

58. Camp out on one of these irresistible islands. It's a little primitive, but the experience is worth every minute.

59. Catch a ferry to the San Juan Islands or Sidney, B.C.

60. Ferry to our Sister City, Victoria, B.C. and visit Butchart Gardens then, experience High Tea at the Empress Hotel.

61. Enjoy a fresh take-out lunch from one of La Conner's grocery stores, or restaurants to enjoy in the shade of Pioneer Park, or on a sunny public dock.

62. Volunteer at the Museum of Northwest Art as a docent.

63. Take a hike in La Conner. Lots of hills and beautiful views.

64. Make time to walk, jog, or bike the Padilla Bay Trail, or Anacortes' Washington Park.

65. Experience the Walking Tour of La Conner's Sculpture Exhibition. Changing each year.

66. Hike the Cascades. Mount Baker is covered with fingers of trails for the novice hiker, to the experienced. This is an adventure you don't want to miss.

67. In March, drive on back roads to experience the bright, sunny cheer of spring daffodils.

68. Plan a girlfriend's trip to get all of your holiday shopping done and then treat yourself to a massage or facial!

69. Reserve some time after shopping to enjoy a hand-mixed 'lemon drop' at one of La Conner's charming restaurants.

70. Spin the hand carved cedar Spirit Wheel located in front of Maple Hall. Made by residing Swinomish Artist, Kevin Paul.

71. Delight in a bouquet of fresh flowers from one of our street-side florists.

72. Relax and treat yourself at the Mother's Day Spa Walk in May. A variety of ways to spoil yourself or someone else!

73. Visit Padilla Bay's Interpretive Center to discover what marine life lives in La Conner's waters.

74. Rent a new movie release from the gas station and ask "Rhonda" her favorite pick.

75. Pick up a Channel Town Press to read about all the happenings in La Conner.

76. Rent a house, or condo for a week in La Conner, and plan to shop locally!

77. Stretch yourself at a yoga class.

78. Plan a child's birthday party, or tea party in La Conner.

79. Visit www.laconnerchamber.com to find happenings and events throughout La Conner!

80. Attend a lecture at one of our museums.

81. See the Valley from the seat of your bike during the Tulip Bike Tour, the MS Tour, or your own bike tour.

82. Tip toe through the famous Tulip Festival. Local farmers growing spectacular varieties of bulbs. Gorgeous display gardens, too. This is a must for all ages. Lots of events, creative displays and celebrations.

83. Watch the fun "Tulip Frolic Parade" during the Tulip Festival. This year was the biggest parade yet!

84. Plan your dream wedding. La Conner has the sites, the gowns, and the flowers and catering. The most spectacular weddings happen in La Conner.

85. La Conner is Wi-Fi. Pull up a bench or a spot of green grass and get connected.

86. Enroll the kids in La Conner's Regional Library for the Summer Reading Program. Prizes for those who keep reading all summer. Be a detective: find Ike the dog in one of the stores and have your picture in the Channel Town Press and the library's counter!

87. Take a minute to enjoy the Garden Club's community Butterfly Garden, located on Second Street.

88. Bring your easel and your palette and paint the beauty around you. Just pick a place and your imagination will take wing.

89. Visit La Conner's Historical Museum with your family. What a great view of our local history and the Valley!

90. Visit www.skagitartiststogether.com and plan on meeting the artist of your favorite medium.

91. Take the kids and dog for a wonderful hike out to Craft Island. This is a short hike with lots of swimming and miles of beach at low tide.

92. Go to a movie at the restored, historical Lincoln Theatre in Mount Vernon.

93. Drive to the top of Mt. Erie and watch the sunrise or sunset over the San Juan Islands.

94. Go to the Swinomish Northern Lights Casino and play bingo, slot machines, tables or enjoy a comedy act.

95. Visit the Pioneer monument in the middle of the roundabout. Erected in 1936 and dedicated to early Pioneers.

96. Walk down to the water through the Fish Bridge at the end of Washington Street. Built by a local artist and purchased by the town due to its popularity.

96. Can you find the Rosary Bead? A popular sculpture located on First Street.

97. Stroll down Third Street past the south marina and over the slough. There you will find a 20,000 lb anchor from the USS Commencement Bay. Built in Tacoma, WA in 1944.

98. Take the kids to Kenmare Square Park at Morris & First Streets to climb on the carved stone sculptures of a tugboat, canoe & wheel.

99. Stop by the Volunteer Fireman Museum on First Street and see the once state-of-the-art fire truck built in 1850. Used for the great fire in San Francisco in 1906 before making it's way to La Conner.

100. Look up! What are those loud planes flying over? Probably EA6B Prowlers and P3 Orion's from the Whidbey Naval Air Station practicing their maneuvers.

101. Check out one of Skagit County's oldest landmarks. Originally built in 1885 as a bank later used as the jail, now La Conner Town Hall.

102. Wow! Check out the cross-section of a giant cedar located on First Street next to the public restroom. The tree started growing around 1260 AD and measures 11 feet, 8 inches across. Count the rings, how old was this tree when it fell?

103. Take the kids to the Kiwanis John Hammer Memorial Playground to climb, swing and slide. Parking and picnic tables at the site as well. 2nd Street

104. Visit the various poets during the bi-annual Skagit River Poetry Festival held every other year in May.

105. Come to the Senior Center at Maple Hall every Tuesday for classes for all ages, movies, speakers, fun and games!

106. Take the kids to the local nursery to view the llamas, goats, birds, rabbits, & more.

107. See how many sweaters you can find hugging and keeping La Conner trees warm.

108. Sip a locally made microbrew at La Conner's microbrewery.

109. Join the laconnerchamber.com e-mailing list to stay up-to-date on La Conner events & happenings.




台長: Momo~
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