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2004-02-14 11:10:33


鄧麗君紀念文物展...2/29.止.. 為了紀念已故藝人鄧麗君的51歲冥誕, 鄧麗君文教基金會首度和台北捷運公司合作, 今起到二月二十九日在台北捷運站 東區地下街第二廣場展出鄧麗君紀念文物展, 希望藉此活動,將...

2004-02-14 10:54:57


烏來. 食養文化天地. 新店北宜路3段62號..(16k處右方) 採預約制..預計2周前得約.. 02-2177875 02-2171815. 中午.11.30-2.00PM 晚上.6.00-9.00pm.. 每周一公休.. 很棒..有自釀的美酒.水果醋. 算人數...約@80...

2004-02-12 16:31:26

ㄅ棒...2.10..birthday party.

Dear all. I had a nice time with friends in a great place on my birthday night. it’s near 烏來. 食養文化天地. the address is .. 新店北宜路3段62號..(16k處右方) 採預約制..預計2周前得約.. 02...

2004-02-11 14:03:19



2004-02-10 16:36:00

Happy Birthday!

Dear Mom. It's that day of the year - your birthday! I wanted to let you know how glad I am to have you as my mom and that I appreciate all you do for me, so today is your day to sit back, relax and e...

2004-02-07 10:45:57

各大書局熱賣中.日光香港.台北雨. .

Dear all. 昨夜失眠一口氣讀完450與Claire 的2本新作....’日光香港.台北雨’ 心..隨著男女主角情緒起伏. 淚..隨著10度冷凜的台北寂夜. 細細雨滴緩緩落下. 感動許久.... 於是再次熱烈推薦此套港台...

2004-02-06 16:29:15


似秋楓. 因風吹拂而飄落 在月影飄雪之間 對影成三人...... 一種如顫紅的葉瓣 飄逸而浪漫 一種如靜謐的優雅 忽隱忽現 一種如針刺的侵蝕 細細邃邃 一種暸然的心房 半遮半掩 轉眼間. 秋風停. 秋楓枯....

2004-02-05 17:00:13

Internet Friendship ~

Some people wonder how we became such good friendsthrough a keyboard and a monitor.(webcam for somebody....)I guess those people have never known themagic of an Internet Friendship.You and I have beco...

2004-02-03 17:54:24

Why we love dogs?

Cause they are loyal. Cause they are inquisitive. Cause they are so cute. Cause they are stubborn. Cause they come in all sizes. Cause they carry our groceries. Cause they are roll over. Cause ...

2004-02-02 19:50:00


採擷遠方想念的記號. 我絲絲思緒是起伏錯綜山岩紋路. 刻劃著記憶中美麗的印記. 詩句中聲聲字字如同海浪一波波的吶喊著. 多少動人的契合. 多少熱情的流露. 最想望見成群候鳥. 把寂寞飛越.期望. 艱辛歷經風雨...

2004-01-31 14:30:01

You will feel him ~

I am sending youmy special angel~On the wings of pure love.One of exquisite beauty.From heaven above.I am sending him to youJust so you will knowI care so much about youAnd wanted to tell you so.I hav...

2004-01-30 15:00:30

you''d be smooshed!

If I could hold you when every time I think about you... you'd be smooshed! Momo doggie.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a love song.....to share with my friends. Hold Me 作詞:黃大軍/謝銘祐  作曲:...

2004-01-29 12:45:33

真心推薦..張家衛新書II ~ 日光香港台北雨

張家衛新書II 日光香港台北雨 發現台灣新45度C溫泉…… 家衛老師才華洋溢,活力如地熱威橫十足。 心思有時比女子還細膩,文字不拘泥形式,豪邁磅礡、快樂恬適。 像發現秘密溫泉: 讓你遠離都...

2004-01-28 11:55:48


願當隻愛徘徊的小螞蟻 讓相思輕輕爬上你心底 或養一隻心蠶 然後.. 將你溫柔一口口蝕痛 或者.. 化成黃鶯. 偶爾靠你耳邊 哼唱著…. 我倆的情歌 天天想你.. 或也許.. 在多夢的微風午後 將思念用詩織...

2004-01-27 14:31:41


多年不曾飄下的雪.今年..雪花染白陽明山~寒冷止不住我的腳步.我愛..徜徉在奧黛莉赫本的感性中嗅著..新年興奮熱鬧的氣息.尋找..那春天粉紅的足跡.輕輕淺笑.學習感性.複製柔情.ps.學習感性的momo.picture.momo in Taip...

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