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2004-02-10 16:36:00| 人氣212| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Happy Birthday!

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Dear Mom.

It's that day of the year - your birthday!
I wanted to let you know how glad I am to have you as my mom
and that I appreciate all you do for me,
so today is your day to sit back,
relax and enjoy life.have a big meal with Dad .
Print out this email.
It is good for 1 free back rub (courtesy of me),
1 free dish washing and 1 free room cleaning.

A word of advice -
offers like this don't come around often
so take advantage of it while you have the chance.

All kidding aside, I love you, mom.

I hope your birthday and the rest of your year is full of fun and surprises.
more beautiful and look young forver!

Happy Birthday!

Love always~

Wayne from Canada.

ps.a letter from my dear son for my birthday.

Momo's collection.

台長: Momo~
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