I had in mind to do something big and I did it.” —Simon Rodia
有個義大利人叫 Simon Rodia, 在十九世紀末來到美國, 他先住在匹茲堡的煤礦區附近, 之後他在 L.A. Watts 這個地方, 用最簡便的工具 (沒有梯子, 用爬的), 以鋼鐵與灰泥為支架, 碎玻璃 (瓶), 貝殼, 陶片與瓷磚來裝飾, 在1921 到 1954 這 33 年間, 一人獨立完成一系列的塔, 叫做 Watts Towers, 最高的塔有99.5 呎高 (30.34 公尺), 中間的有97.8呎高 (29.83公尺), 東邊的則有55呎高 (16.76公尺) 。
An Italian immigrate, Simon Rodia (born in 1879), moved to the U.S. at age 14. Between 1921 and 1954, he used simple hand tools (and his hands) to construct towers, known as Watts Towers today. The tallest of the towers stands 99.5 feet high (30.34 meters). The central tower is 97.8 feet high (29.83 meters). The east tower is 55 feet high (16.76 meters). (data from
*其中一做事圓形的涼亭, 裡面可以坐一圈人, 塔尖有 38 呎高 / Included in the constructions is gazebo with a circular bench, three bird baths, a center column and a spire reaching a height of 38 feet.
Simon 把它叫做Nuestro Pueblo, 義為“我們之城,” 製作過程中, 鄰居小孩會把破掉的玻璃與陶片拿來給他, 其中綠色碎片是汽水瓶, 像7 Up。 總計有九座螺旋狀的塔, 統計有超過25,000個貝殼, Simon本人聽說沒有受過正統的藝術訓練。
Simon called the towers Nuestro Pueblo, meaning ”our town.” Neighborhood children brought pieces of broken glass and pottery to Simon in exchange with small fees. (I think the best part of the process was to break all these glasses, potteries, and ceramics. In our daily life, we are always cautious not to break anything. How wonderful it is to be able to break things on purpose and violently) Green glass includes recognizable soft drink bottles, some still bearing the logos of 7 Up, Squirt, Bubble-Up, etc. These nine towers include more than 25,000 seashells; Rodia had no formal arts training and did all the work in his spare time.
* 注意到船上與遠處心心相映 / Notice the ”heart” shape above the ship and at the far end
傳說 Simon 與鄰居關係並不好, 謠傳說是為了與敵軍日本聯絡而建此塔; 1955年他不堪鄰居之擾, 把這地方賣了, 離開後就沒再回來。不知道他離開做了三十多年的作品是怎樣的心情?
It was said that Simon did not get along with his neighbors, some of whom allowed their kids to damage his work. Rumors said that the towers were antennae for communicating with enemy Japanese forces. In 1955, Rodia gave the property away and left, reportedly tired of the abuse he had received. I wonder what he would feel about leaving the art work that he had been working on for more than 30 years? Like leaving your baby . . .

五零年代中期, the Department of Building and Safety 命令剷平這幾座塔, 一群有心人士 (The Committee for Simon Rodia’s Towers in Watts)遊走, 收集資金與簽名, 要求座測試, 他們把鋼線綁在每個塔, 用起重機使力拉, 塔分豪不動, 最後歸咎於起重機機械故障, 保住了這幾座塔。
In the mid-1950’s the Department of Building and Safety ordered the Towers demolished. A group of concerned artists (The Committee for Simon Rodia’s Towers in Watts ) collected signatures and money and devised an engineering test. For the test, steel cable was attached to each tower and a crane was used to exert lateral force. The crane was unable to topple or even shift the towers, and the test was concluded when the crane experienced mechanical failure.

* Guided tour
1970年時, 塔旁邊成立藝術中心, 大約2,000 sq. ft, 一直以來提供免費的藝術課給社區人士來上課。 1975時, 委員會把 Watts Towers 交給洛杉磯市管, 之後再給加州。
The Watts Towers Arts Center, just by the towers, was opened in 1970 and it offers free art classes to the community. In 1975, the Committee gave the Towers and Art Center to the City of Los Angeles for operation and maintenance. In 1978, the Towers were deeded to the State of California .
*地上的花紋也是參觀重點之一 / Floor pattern is interesting, too.
The Towers of Simon Rodia are listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. They are a National Historic Landmark, a CA State Historical Monument and designated as the CA Historic Park and Historic-Cultural Monument No. 15. The towers suffered minor damage in the Northridge Earthquake in 1994. Repaired and reopened to the public in 2001, It is now attracting 20,000 visitors annually. Call for guided tour if you want to visit.
他不但是件藝術作品, 也是州定歷史地標. 1994 的地震 (Northridge quake) 讓它暫時關閉, 2001 年重新開放, 每年吸引兩萬遊客, 要去的話先預約喔
小瓜呆是如何得知這個地方的呢? 因為 Getty 博物館帶今年的實習生 LA 一日遊 / So, how did I get to know this place? Because the Getty took all interns for a LA tour a few days ago.
讚! How wonderful!
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