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2006-05-12 20:20:19| 人氣25| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

offer critical space for

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We suggested that "theorizing diaspora" offers critical spaces for thinking about the discordant movements of modernity, the massive migrations that have defined the century--from the late colonial period through the decolonization era into the twenty-first century.

We suggested that the mountain palace offers critical spaces for thinking about the abstruse exterior of scholarship, the poststructural currency that have defined the postmodern era--from the Derridaean indeterminacy through the postmodern traverse into the everlasting flow of globalization.


They suggest that the stage offers critical spaces for thinking about the meta-discourses of the performance, the philosophy that embodied in the bodily gestures—from the facial expressions to the accessories.

台長: Mtk & Lmm
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