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2009-11-07 23:35:12| 人氣274| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Nothing like it in the Bronx

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(New York's ticker-tape parade for our 2009 World Champs!)

Championship is finally starting to sink in for me now.


After Game 6, Phil Coke and his brother were on the field. Chris Shearn of YES Network was just about to interview them when Phil's brother gave Cokey a World-Series-Game-Six bat. That scene was moving, and as I was watching probably the longest hug in the history of interviews, I suddenly realized how emotional it was for the players and their families. That's when it sank in. To see New Yorkers climbing up traffic signs, throwing pieces of paper from their windows and really being a part of this party is magnificent. And to see Alex Rodriguez, who has long been sneered and disliked by lots of people, cheered by the audience in City Hall is gratifying. At City Hall, New York presented the 2009 Yankees with her keys. The keys are given to every single one of the team, and by team we mean from the Boss to Joe and the boys and to the Grounds Crew, who really did a fantastic job despite bad weather in New York's autumn times. This, is team effort, indeed.

I had been so nervous during the playoffs for them, "Will we win? Will we have their best stuff? Will we do the little things? Will we have our 27th?" Now that they do, we can all just enjoy this one. We truly have something special here. However, me being me, with the stove heating beside me here, I still think about next year.

As special, good and dynamical as we, the Yankees, are, we still have things to work on next spring. The pitching needs another starter, and I'm really looking forward to our Wang to come back.  I'm not sure if slumps are avoidable by improving individual hitting but it'll be good if they can. Some youngsters had really stepped up and I hope that they keep and doing the good job, and learning important things along the way; our future, the far one, really depends on them. Also, a lot of things have been said of Joe Girardi, and I hope that he knows what's right and that his experience this October and November helps him be a even better manager. And I really, really hope that the old guys can still stay for a long while, till they decide to go home for the kids. Finally, I wish the entire Yankees team good luck and an even happier new year.

Can't wait for spring training 2010 now.







台長: Mo (Jo Jo) Rill
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