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最年輕跨性別者 英6歲童母親:沒什麼比孩子的快樂更重要

【G點電視綜合報導】英國一名小男孩丹尼爾(Daniel McFadyen)因「浴室事件」(the bathroom incident)發生後,其母嘉莉(Kerry McFadyen)決定讓他的兒子改名為「丹莉」(Danni),並以女孩子的方式生活。

Embargo until 15:01 GMT/BST 6 December 2015. Danni McFadyen, 6, is pictured at her home in Boat of Garten in the Scottish Highlands See South West copy SWTRANNY: A proud mum is embracing her sonís change after she realised he was born in the wrong body ñ aged THREE. Kerry McFadyen knew in her heart of hearts that her son Daniel should have been her daughter when she caught him with a pair of scissors ñ trying to cut his WILLY off. The 32-year-old mum-of-five reckons that her six-year-old child Daniel, now known as Danni, must be the wrong gender, partly because he was always more interested in his sistersí dolls than his brothers' footballs.


Embargo until 15:01 GMT/BST 6 December 2015.Collect picture of Danni McFadyen, when she was a boy called Daniel, with her siblings at a family home during Christmas 2011.. Craig and Kerryís daughter Danni suffers from Gender Dysphoria. She was born a boy, called Daniel, but it soon become evident to her parents that she wanted to be a girl. See South West copy SWTRANNY: A proud mum is embracing her sonís change after she realised he was born in the wrong body ñ aged THREE. Kerry McFadyen knew in her heart of hearts that her son Daniel should have been her daughter when she caught him with a pair of scissors ñ trying to cut his WILLY off. The 32-year-old mum-of-five reckons that her six-year-old child Daniel, now known as Danni, must be the wrong gender, partly because he was always more interested in his sistersí dolls than his brothers' footballs.

嘉莉帶丹尼爾去看醫生,證實患有性別不安症(Gender Dysphoria,前稱性別認同障礙,Gender identity disorder)醫生建議讓丹尼爾以自己喜愛的性別,但大前提是她必須了解自己隨時可以變回以男性方式生活,直至16歲時,才決定是否要接受性別重置手術。


嘉莉後來把丹尼爾改名成丹莉,並寫信到學校向校方解釋狀況。校方更因此而增設兩性洗手間(unisex toilet).




Transgender six-year-oldWATCH: ‘MY STORY’ “We are hoping by the time Danni goes to high school it’s just normal." A mother whose six-year-old son is now living as a girl after being diagnosed with gender dysphoria wants to raise awareness of the condition. This is her story.

Posted by STV News on Friday, 29 January 2016


資料整理:Iris Chan(女同學社 X G點電視義工)

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