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虧Joey他老媽 二哥 老闆 上司 友人和我 那麼多人幫他寫了申訴信 沒想到最後其案件還是被駁回 仍維持原判  烏龍的是 所收到回函上的收件人並不是他的名字 顯然是將另一個被駁回的文件錯寄給Joey了  Joey很焦慮 急忙去電查詢 結果給他的 也是一樣的回覆 讓他心情壞透了  我在想會不會根本沒有人真的在審核 而是第一波一律都被駁回吧

後來跟律師多次電話聯繫後 說會幫他查調當初長官口頭告知他雖因傷沒能繼續服役 期滿後仍可領到退休金的文件 可是竟然找不到  Joey認為即便口說無憑 他當初可是確確實實服了15年的役了 這不應該也被剝奪的啊 所以決定要親自前往Maryland去參加聽證會申訴 
律師要他再找人幫他寫信 內容要多加描述其傷後生活上的種種不便及工作上的限制與困難等等之見證  說其背部的傷 上面沒有質疑 可是腳部的傷卻意見紛歧(難道要全身傷殘才夠看嗎) 這下他就想到我了  不行啦 這次可是攸關成敗 一旦又被駁回 就沒有再申訴的機會 一切就定案了 我怎麼能夠勝負此重責大任啊  何況我上次自覺寫得很感人 人家都不為所動了 我哪來的信心再幫他  可是最後又不忍Joey被我拒絕後的失望 只好硬著頭皮說再試試看囉  唉 以下就是我寫的內容啦 

Oct. 27, 2004

To whom it may concern:

I’m sorry that I have to further state what I know about Joey’s (Joseph Flasch) knee problem. Well, I’m really not good at describing a person’s misery, or I would have written a lot in my first letter. But now I’d try and hope I could really help some anyway.

Sure I’m well aware of his physical situation already. But it’s what I’d like to ignore. If we keep thinking about it, how would we still be able to stay together with the problems haunting us all the time?? I know his knees do give him problems daily, he just chooses not to let them stop his living. Sometimes I also wonder how he could make it!

During the time he visited me, I immediately noticed that he couldn’t come up with my walking speed (but he has much longer legs than I do) and I had to slow down all the time. And when he took the stairs, with his one hand on the rail, I still had to give him my shoulder as his cane for the other. Even only walking for a while could make him feel tired easily and he needed to take a rest again and again. I thought swimming should be a soft exercise for him as water would float him up with little sports harm and didn’t expect it’d still make him very difficult to walk afterwards even though he didn’t seem to do much with his legs.
Also when I visited him there in America, I noticed when he was driving, he couldn’t stand any small bump in the road, it looked painful in his back... Knowing about his situation like this, I have got more thoughtful. I’ll think of his every possible need in any situation and try to assist him in getting up curbs to be on the sidewalks, getting on and off the bus from and to the airport here in Taiwan.

At first I’d wonder if his situation was really so bad, but the constant pains just couldn’t allow him to pretend it had nothing wrong with him. That’s also why my mom would strongly disapprove of him. Sure Mom has good reasons to look at him with negative point of view as she wouldn’t believe he’d get hired or even he did get one, she wouldn’t think he could keep it long with his condition like this (unfortunately last week he did just lose his job which he’d been enjoying so much and sure I wouldn’t let Mom know about it yet). She wouldn’t like to see her daughter work hard for daily living after getting married and that’s why she’d object to his marrying me no matter what. I guess the store owners he worked for must have been tolerant to him?

Well, the more I write about his problems, the stranger feeling I’ll get.(其實是開始掰不出來了) It’s rediculous as it seems I’m begging you not to deprive him of what he has obviously deserved to own. He used to fight so hard for his country’s security and now it’s just so ironic that he has to fight for his future security, to gain back what he should have had. When his country needed him, he just went for it without further thinking and now when he needs what his country promised him to have before, it just says not now; come prove you can get it? I’d think it’s an insult to him. In fact, if his condition isn’t like this, he wouldn’t need to go through all these questions from the board. The ones from my family have given him enough.
I’m sorry I can’t go to Maryland with him to assure you what kind of good man he is, but I’d like to! Well, also I don’t know if my English is good enough to convince you of his good personality and let you know why I admire him so much even after knowing his disability like this. A man who won’t get defined in his limitations is a real man you know.

I hope this mail can make you reconsider Joey’s case more with care. If his loved country can’t take good care of him, I’d like him to come to Taiwan and live here with me because I believe my country can take good care of me and I’d have no problem to take care of him as well.

Thanks a lot for your time and attention

Sherry Lin

台長: Sherry
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