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2008-06-19 07:11:03


耶比ˇ 總算到台灣喇ˇ 座飛機整葛就快要累死 不過值得喇ˇ 誰要一起出去玩:) 哈哈哈

2008-06-15 02:16:30

count with me:)

4 days left 3 2 1.. yaya:) im sooo excitedddd.

2008-05-19 03:13:36


i can’t wait to go back. pic: summer 07’

2008-05-08 05:06:18

芸北逼 my love

happy birthday babyyy. i wish i was in taiwan >

2008-05-03 09:44:54


06 17 08 flying to taiwan. :)

2008-04-10 08:19:54


after two months i get to see my bestfrienddd! yay

2008-03-29 02:01:18

almost there:)

two months to go:) after that.. ill be back again babe :) be excitedddd.

2008-01-20 12:29:32

its cold :)

it was so much below 0 today. yup:) really cold :) i could of die outside. thank god i didnt. geezzz i hate winter! i can’t wait till summer :) ^^ lOVE =]

2008-01-05 13:38:22

my 08 life so far:)

so my 08 life starts here. Its going great so far. Everything is prefectly fine. And i hope it can stay like this, but no, there is always going to be drama around. My sophmore year had been ali...

2008-01-05 01:22:50


吼唷 一下聖心 一下基女的 現在我比較想上基女喇ˇ 不知道為什麼 :) 可是我更想上文德 我爸又在基歪 說什麼 你一定認識很多人在那裡ˇ 又沒很多 奇怪欸 真是的:)) 怎麼都說服不了ˇ 氣死人...

2008-01-05 01:15:29
2008-01-01 08:33:48

new year:)

yay. today is new year day. finally:) welcome 2008 baby:)

2007-12-28 06:58:34
2007-12-26 04:43:33


下好多雪唷 快點亭喇ˇ 冷死人了!

2007-12-26 04:41:38

dear arianne:)

awww arianne is at my house now. we are havin alot of fun=] we been tho soo much together thankyou for everything you have done. you are amazing huniie. haha we had so much fun together n...

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