A Scientist named Loeve spends their lifetime finishing his/her proudest work called “CODE:Dreamer”.
“CODE:Dreamer” is a machine which has the ability to let everyone live in a fantastic real world as a dream. Everything is fine until the day “CODE:Dreamer” goes out of control. “CODE:Dreamer” start to make the real world into a nightmare
蝕夢少女 Carol:Chop Slash & Eat Up!

蝕夢少女 Carol:Chop Slash & Eat Up!

蝕夢少女 Carol:Chop Slash & Eat Up!

蝕夢少女 Carol:Chop Slash & Eat Up!
Game Description
Our main character is named Carol who is forced to go throught this horrible nightmare world. when Carol arrived in this nightmare world, she met Morpheus(the nightmare eater). Morpheus decided to lend Carol his magic power. Carol and Morpheus are going to against the nightmare and bring back the sweet dream for everyone.