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2006-04-16 04:00:40| 人氣919| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

I am a Daisy

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***You Are a Daisy***

You see the world with an artist’s eye.
Finding beauty is easy for you - even in the dullest of moments.
You notice all of the colors of the world, from fresh grass to sunsets.
You are a total optimist and hedonist.
You love to drink life in.


I am a Daisy, the result of this little test.
What are you?
Go to the webpage below to find out. :)


台長: Janice
人氣(919) | 回應(1)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 星座命理(星座、命理、心理測驗) | 個人分類: 雜七雜八 |

I am a rose as I predicted. However, I know that’s not a good implication. The rose in ”Le Petie Prince” didn’t end up cheerfully. Still, that’s me. Just me.
2006-07-26 13:25:34
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