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化身為一代性感女神瑪麗蓮夢露的英國美豔歌手─金懷德─〔Love I

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化身為一代性感女神瑪麗蓮夢露的英國美豔歌手──金懷德──〔Love Is Holy〕(MV)

Written by: Rick Nowels/Ellen Shipley

Love is holy, don’t forget it
It will heal you if you let it
Love will strip you, leave you naked
Love is sexy, love is sacred

I put my faith in me and you
Somehow I know that we’ll put through
Oh I feel my life passing by
Sometimes it makes me want to cry
Thank God I’ve got you by my side

Every night I hope and pray
Nothing takes your love away
I lie awake just to watch you breathe
Love is holy when you lay with me
Love is holy baby stay with me

I don’t understand the world today
Is everything made just to throw away
But you and I (you and I)
Get closer as time goes by (till I die)
I feel my love intensify
Baby you’re a spiritual high

Every night I hope and pray
Nothing takes your love away
I lie awake just to watch you breathe
Love is holy when you lay with me
Love is holy baby stay with me

Love is holy, don’t forget it
It will heal you if you let it
Love will strip you, leave you naked
Love is sexy, love is sacred

Every night I hope and pray
Nothing takes your love away
I lie awake just to watch you breathe
Love is holy when you lay with me
Love is holy baby stay with me
(Every night I hope and pray)
(Nothing takes your love away)
I lie awake just to watch you breathe
Love is holy when you lay with me
Love is holy baby stay with me

Kim Wilde/金懷德是1980年代英國相當走紅的歌手

1989年後 她開始轉向性感形象
1992年 她推出〔Love Is...〕大碟 繼續展現她的萬種風情
首支單曲即為〔Love Is Holy〕
這是Belinda Carlisle的製作人 Rick Nowels特別為金打造的作品
〔Love Is Holy〕是首旋律美妙 節奏輕快的流行搖滾
在懷德嬌嫩卻頗富韌性的嗓音演繹下 讓這首歌曲顯得頗為迷人

MV拍得相當精彩 在這首流行搖滾歌曲的音樂錄影帶中
金懷德身著粉色禮服 燙著復古髮型
化身為五十年代的性感女神瑪麗蓮夢露 (兩人在外表的確有相似之處)
Kim 本來就是個金髮碧眼的美人 精心打扮後 更加豔光四射
MV的攝影非常出色 在一處寶藍色的廣闊室內
牆壁泛著閃爍浮動的水樣光芒 讓人感覺彷彿置身在水晶宮
加上的層層重疊的畫面 讓音樂錄影帶蕩漾著一種迷濛的夢幻感
MV焦點當然是外型美麗 身材豐滿的Kim Wilde
在中 她展現了精緻高雅 性感嬌艷的迷人風情
我個人相當喜歡這支既優雅又Sexy 的音樂錄影帶

〔Love Is Holy〕的MV拍得很好

可是我只找得到這個模糊版 效果大打折扣



MV :






台長: Daniel "Icicle" C.

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