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空中補給──抒情搖滾經典─無意義的纏綿─Making Love Out of N

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空中補給──抒情搖滾經典──無意義的纏綿──〔Making Love Out of Nothing At All〕

I know just how to whisper
And I know just how to cry
I know just where to find the answers
And I know just how to lie
I know just how to fake it
And I know just how to scheme
I know just when to face the truth
And then I know just when to dream

And I know just where to touch you
And I know just what to prove
I know when to pull you closer
And I know when to let you loose
And I know the night is fading
And I know the time’s gonna fly
And I’m never gonna tell you
Everything I gotta tell you
But I know I gotta give it a try

And I know the roads to riches
And I know the ways to fame
I know all the rules
And I know how to break ’ em
And I always know the name of the game

But I don’t know how to leave you
And I’ll never let you fall
And I don’t know how you do it
Making love out of nothing at all

Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all,
Making love out of nothing at all

Everytime I see you all the rays of the sun
Are streaming through the waves in your hair
And every star in the sky is taking aim at your eyes
Like a spotlight

The beating of my heart is a drum and it’s lost
And it’s looking for a rhythm like you
You can take the darkness from the pit of the night
And turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright

I’ve gotta follow it ’cause everything I know
Well it’s nothing till I give it to you

I can make the runner stumble
I can make the final block
I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle
I can make all the stadiums rock
I can make tonight forever
Or I can make it disappear by the dawn
I can make every promise that has ever been made
I can make all your demons be gone

But I’m never gonna make it without you
Do you really want to see me crawl
And I’m never gonna make it like you do
Making love out of nothing at all

Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all, out of nothing at all
Out of nothing at all

Air Supply/空中補給是80年代紅極一時的澳洲雙人團體
70年代末期為洛史都華唱開場 逐漸受到國際矚目
1980年與Arista簽約 年末推出首張專輯 一炮而紅
1983年  空中補給推出首張精選集
裡面除前三張大碟的歌曲外 也收錄一首新曲〔Making Love Out of nothing At All〕
此曲由擅長華麗搖滾派的製作人Jim Steinman譜寫操刀
Jim的著名作品有Bonne Tyler〔Total Eclipse Of The Heart〕,
Meat Loaf 大部份的歌曲
還有Celine Dion的〔It’s All Coming Back To Me Now〕
跟前者一樣 〔Making Love Out of nothing At All〕也是一首時間超長 氣勢磅礡 旋律感人 編曲華麗 歌詞不斷重覆的抒情搖滾
在流暢的鋼琴伴奏與主唱 Russel Hitchcock高亢嗓音的完美詮釋下
這首歌曲在1983年坐上流行榜亞軍寶座 成人抒情榜亞軍

〔Making Love Out of nothing At All〕是首令人印象深刻的歌曲
(光光它的合音不斷唱著Making Love ,Making Love 就會讓你很難忘了 )
我在1990年代初期初次聽到 乍聽就喜歡上了

PS: MV版比原曲少了近一分鐘 個人覺得後者精彩多了


台長: Daniel "Icicle" C.

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