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2008-03-06 11:40:19 | 人氣25| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【在生活中學習語言】<中英對照毒新聞> Mother of two becomes Japan’s oldest box

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<中英對照毒新聞> Mother of two becomes Japan’s oldest boxer at 44 2個孩子的媽以44歲高齡成為日本最年長拳擊手


A 44-year-old mother of two has become Japan’s oldest professional boxer after passing the Japanese board’s license test.


Kazumi Izaki, who has daughters aged 21 and 14 and herself turns 45 next week, laced up her first pair of boxing gloves in 2001. "She has passed," the Japan Boxing Commission (JBC) told Reuters. "This is first time she has held a JBC license and she is now Japan’s oldest pro boxer."


Under JBC rules, applicants for a license must be under 32 but Izaki was allowed permission to fight because she previously won a Japanese title, albeit one not recognized by the country’s governing body.


"I try not to think about my age," the former aerobics instructor said. "I wanted to show my children that if you give up, then you’re washed up!"


Hiroaki Yokota had held the distinction of being Japan’s oldest professional boxer but the 46-year-old declined to renew his license.



glove︰(拳擊)手套。相關片語有take up the glove(接受挑戰);take off the gloves(強硬起來)。

title︰在此指冠軍頭銜,如win / take the 1000 metres title(贏得1000公尺冠軍)。在法律上指所有權、契據。例句︰They have no title to the land.(他們對這塊土地沒有所有權。)

be (all) washed up︰徹底完蛋、徹底失敗。例句︰One step out of line and a journalist’s career is washed up.(只要越軌一步,記者生涯就被斷送。)



台長: 落葉之楓

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