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【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》 Windows market share dives below 90% for

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【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》 Windows market share dives below 90% for first time 視窗作業系統市佔率首度跌破九成


Microsoft Corp.’s Windows OS last month took its biggest market share dive in the past two years, erasing gains made in two of the past three months and sending the operating system’s share under 90% for the first time.


In November, 89.6% of users who connected to the Web sites that Net Applications Inc. monitors did so from systems powered by Windows, a drop of 0.84 of a percentage point from October. The decrease was the largest slip by Windows in the past two years and easily bested other recent down months, including May 2008 and December 2007, when Windows lost 0.51 and 0.63 percentage points, respectively.

11月間,連上市調機構Net Applications公司所監視之網站的用戶,89.6%是用視窗作業系統上網,比10月下降0.84個百分點,這是過去兩年間視窗作業系統市佔率的最大跌幅,且輕易超過其他下跌的月份,其中包括2008年5月及2007年12月,這兩個月分別下跌0.51及0.63個百分點。

Apple Inc.’s Mac OS X, meanwhile, posted its biggest gain in the same two-year period, growing by 0.66 percentage point to end the month at 8.9%. November was the third month running that Apple’s operating system remained above 8%.

在此同時,蘋果公司Mac OS X作業系統的市佔率在相同兩年期間獲致最大斬獲,成長達0.66個百分點,到11月結束時為8.9%。11月是蘋果的作業系統連續第3個月市佔率超過8%。

Windows’ share typically falls on weekends and after work hours, as users surf from home computers, a larger percentage of which run Mac OS X than do work machines.

視窗作業系統市佔率下降在週末及下班時間尤其明顯,因為用戶利用家庭電腦上網,家庭電腦相較於職場電腦,有更大比率是使用Mac OS X作業系統。


dive:動詞,突然(急遽)下降。例句:The mercury dived to ten below zero.(溫度突然下降到零下10度。)

respectively:副詞,分別地;各自地。例句:Bobby, Nicole and Daren wore red, green and blue coats, respectively. (巴比、尼柯與戴倫分別穿上紅、綠及藍色外套。)

running:形容詞,連續的。用法如「a running fire of questions」(一連串的發問)、 「the third month running」(連續第3個月)等。




台長: 落葉之楓

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