The electromagnetic waves emitted by mobile phone towers and cellphones can pose a threat to honey bees, a study published in India has concluded.
An experiment conducted in the southern state of Kerala found that a sudden fall in the bee population was caused by towers installed across the state by cellphone companies to increase their network.
The electromagnetic waves emitted by the towers crippled the "navigational skills" of the worker bees that go out to collect nectar from flowers to sustain bee colonies, said Dr. Sainuddin Pattazhy, who conducted the study.
He found that when a cell phone was kept near a beehive, the worker bees were unable to return, leaving the hives with only the queens and eggs and resulting in the collapse of the colony within ten days.
Over 100,000 people in Kerala are engaged in apiculture and the dwindling worker bee population poses a threat to their livelihood. The bees also play a vital role in pollinating flowers to sustain vegetation.
If towers and mobile phones further increase, honey bees might be wiped out in 10 years, Pattazhy said.
dwindling:形容詞,正在減少的;動詞原形為dwindle,減少。Taiwan’s population is expected to dwindle after 2050. (台灣的總人口預計在2050年後開始減少。)
pollinate: 動詞,給…授粉 。例句: The bees pollinate the crops and help them to grow. (蜜蜂為作物授粉,助其生長。)
wipe out:片語,徹底摧毀、消滅。例句:Pesticides can also wipe out insects that amphibians rely on for food.(殺蟲劑也可能會消滅兩棲動物賴以維生的昆蟲。)