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【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Plump pouted women look younger 厚唇的女性看起來較

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《中英對照讀新聞》Plump pouted women look younger 厚唇的女性看起來較年輕


Women who have fuller and firmer lips are seen as younger than they really are, research suggests. Even with a few wrinkles or grey hairs, a plump pout can takes years off a woman, Unilever scientist David Gunn has found.


His study of over 250 women, including sets of twins, reveals that thin lips are a genetic trait rather than a result of our environment.


The researchers found a large variation in lip thickness among women over 60. The pink part of the thinnest lips measured just 3mm from the top of the upper lip to the bottom of the lower lip, while the fullest lips among the over-sixties measured 2.2cm.


Other tell-tale signs of ageing that appeared to be genetically determined included a receding hairline and greying hair. But wrinkles, sun damage and age spots were equally influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.


Researcher David Gunn said:"When we identified people who looked young for their age, we were struck by the difference in their lips. It is a feature that is strongly genetically determined and relatively easy to measure."

研究人員岡恩說:「我們看到比實際年紀輕的人的時候,我們會驚訝於他們嘴唇的差異,這是強烈受到基因決定、相對容易判別的特徵。 」


plump:形容詞,胖嘟嘟的。例句:The baby has rosy plump cheeks.(這嬰兒的臉頰紅紅胖胖的。)

pout:動詞/名詞,噘嘴。例句:She didn’t say anything but I could tell from her pout that she wasn’t very pleased.(她沒說什麼,不過我可以從她噘嘴,知道她不是很高興。)

recede:動詞,後退、變淡。例句:The painful memories gradually receded in her mind.(痛苦的記憶逐漸從她的心裡淡去。)




台長: 落葉之楓

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