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2007-02-13 02:20:04

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昨晚手機傳來這麼一封短訊 Miss you so much. Want to hold hands & pray with you. Wo jenda ai ni. Never forget. Never doubt that I love you. Same team. 昨晚 因前夜睡眠不足 生理心理彷彿都不平衡了 ...

2007-02-13 01:55:27

Ways culture influence us

These are very interesting................ If you are an English teacher in Taiwan, you may not have too much experiences about this. But when you are in a multicultual society, it makes big differen...

2007-02-13 01:41:59

Why do you want to be a language teacher?

Got these question in class, it is great to think through these questions and look at my own teaching. What caused me to want to become a second language teacher? Do these reasons still exist fo...

2007-02-11 12:27:20


想念蘿蔔糕好久了 要過年了 是該應景一下 吃點蘿蔔糕 才叫過年啊! 為了彌補我兩年都沒吃到 回台灣時我帶了一包在來米粉 就是想今年過年 我一定要吃到... 其實 真的不難 但是 我HOMESTAY的廚房 是外國人的廚...

2007-02-11 12:20:17

寒冬天 火鍋天

這一兩星期都是零下二十到三十度 不但讓人不想出門 還讓我想念起火鍋來 剛好有機會到中國超市去 也就順道在中國肉舖裡買了大骨頭 回家熬火鍋湯底去 我也在中國超市看到好多中國來的火鍋湯底 原來他們吃的火...

2007-02-07 11:59:18


很多人都羨慕脫離台灣狹小的環境到國外生活 我無法下斷言說國外的生活比台灣好 我只能說 這是真的是...兩個世界 羨慕在台灣一踏出家門就有得吃 不想作飯 還可以偷懶 甚麼都便宜 甚麼都好吃 其實這些都還是其...

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