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Train Crash in Argentina

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Hundreds of Argentinian commuters injured in train crash

At least 340 passengers hurt after train hit end of line in Once station in Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires station

Commuters help a passenger injured in the train crash at Once station in Buenos Aires. Photograph: Enrique Marcarian/Reuters
Associated Press in Buenos Aires

The Guardian, Wed 22 Feb 2012 14.35 GMT

A packed train slammed into the end of the line in Buenos Aires's busy Once station, injuring at least 340 morning commuters, Argentina's transport secretary said.

"There are people still trapped, people alive, and there may have been fatalities," Juan Pablo Schiavi told reporters at the station. It was not known if there were dead people in the wreckage.

The commuter train came in too fast and hit the barrier at the end of the platform at about 12mph, smashing the front of the engine and crunching the leading cars behind it, Schiavi said. One car penetrated nearly six metres into the next, he said.

Most damaged was the first car, where passengers make space for bicycles. Survivors told the TeleNoticias channel that many people were injured in a jumble of metal and glass.

Passengers said windows exploded as the tops of train cars separated from their floors. The trains are usually packed with people standing between the seats, and many were thrown into each other and to the floor by the force of the hard stop.

Many people suffered bruises, and many with lesser injuries were waiting for attention on the Once station's platforms as helicopters and more than a dozen ambulances took the most seriously injured to nearby hospitals.

"This machine left the shop yesterday and the brakes worked well. From what we know, it braked without problems at previous stations. At this point I don't want to speculate about the causes," Ruben Sobrero, union chief on the Sarmiento line, told Radio La Red.

The driver went to hospital and the union had been unable to speak to him, Sobrero added.



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