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2011-08-05 08:47:03| 人氣1,863| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

猩球崛起 The Rise of the Planet of the Apes -- Part I

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雖然... James Franco 的確是個好看的傢伙,哈。畢竟是以在電視劇飾演 James Dean 受到矚目,憂鬱氣質算是他的註冊商標之一。所以才會被說 tends to play characters with a troubled past or life. 另外呢~ Other trademarks include one sided smile, his brown eyes, and frowns.

有在看美國影集的觀眾對飾演他爸爸的 John Lithgow 應該不會感到陌生,他是 sit-com "3rd Rock from the Sun" (TV Series 1996–2001) 的主角 Dr. Soloman。John Lithgow 這位老牌演員演過很多喜劇,但他的戲路絕對不限於喜劇。大反派啦、卡通配音啦,反正觸角不窄啦。有這句話來形容他:If "born to the theater" has meaning in determining a person's life path, then John Lithgow is a prime example of this truth. Son of a retired actress and a father who was both a theatrical producer and director, he moved frequently as a child while his father founded and managed local and college theaters and Shakespeare festivals throughout the midwest of the United States. 難怪是個硬裡子演員,充滿戲味啊。

女主角 Freida Pinto 雖然很漂亮,但發揮不多,是點綴的角色爾爾。倒是有個討人厭的角色值得介紹,就是動物收容所裡那個 mistreat 猩猩們的傢伙,他到目前為止所演過最有名最有名的人物,你一定一定知道 --- Does Harry Potter ring a bell? 是的,他正是 Harry Potter 系列電影裡的 Draco Malfoy。

可憐的孩子,是不是被定型了... 唉。



Part II 再來討論猩猩。^_^

( 我的電影觀後感幾乎都一篇說不完 =_= )

台長: L's
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