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2006-07-03 14:08:18| 人氣529| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Why my feeling is so blue today?

Is you?

I don’t know.

Recently, we always contact with each other through the mail.

Although we don’t say ai to each other, we have same option ” keeping the ambiguous situation for ai”.

While after the tea break, I always want to give you a kiss.

But I still don’t do it.

I afraid my behavior will make you scare.

Anyway, I think that I am missing you now.

That is truth, not just saying.

台長: 黑暗傑克
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全站分類: 男女話題(愛情、男女、交友) | 個人分類: 心中泛起的無名思緒 |
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