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2005-12-30 12:50:36| 人氣448| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Nuclear Winter

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Since 65 million an asteroid impact Earth . everything is burned.It destroyed one world amd made a new one.

Soot and impacted-generated dust choked the sky over the entire planet,making it impermeable to sunlight.Some calculations suggest that the surface was as dark as a lightless cave,although the percise amount of darkening remains uncertain.In any event,photosynthetic plants died and food chains collapsed,even in areas untrouched by wildfires,such as the sea.This phase has been likened to ”unclear winter”,a cold spell that some modelers have suggested may follow a nuclear exchange.The dirt took months to wash out,probably falling as blue rain similar to the blue ash-rich rain seen after modern volcanic eruptions.

台長: Lovedrin


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