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2010-11-27 22:59:11| 人氣156| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Not everything is terrible, but.......

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Recently, many things make me upset......

Things about family, study......and something else.

To be true, not everything is terrible, but......

These things are already making me crazy!

I always try not to think about what just happen to my family, but actually I know that I care about everything......

Sometimes be along at home, I start to think.

Think about everthing terrible which make me upset!

That's the reason why I don't like to be along at home.

Even it is my house, even it is cold outside, I still keep myself out of my house......

I think I just need someone to company with me!

Not being along!

I think I just need someone to know me, cheer me and hold my hand.

Not letting me face these things along!

And the one who hold me is you, please don't leave me away!

Please let me have the courage to face everything and company with me.

台長: 季晴川
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

2010-11-29 14:50:45
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