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2008-03-12 20:59:08| 人氣199| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

not as before anymore.

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life had totally changed.
what for?
....u can imagine..
how can i survive in a place..what without everyone likes u.
and no one identify your way...
whatever u r doing..
is wrong for the others..

it sounds reli unfair for myself.
in order to solve the problems..
i have no choice...
maybe i have.
but....i never can change what i act ..
what i aim ..
or....what my environmental nature like!

i have a decision..
that ..sounds reli rediculous at all!
that the only way i can do for it.
and lastly..
i just want a little bit of encouragement from others.
even....its just a veryyy little but.
i know.
i still got somebody to love me
and care about me..

last week!

and 2 more moths to go.
i can survive in these 2 months/
n finish this kind of life ever!

i m trying to be positive.
but...its reli hard though
but i still have a go.
somebody still care about me
not for myself.
just for the one love me!

台長: *Lìli’>.
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