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2010-01-26 16:33:25| 人氣1,288| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

week 2 in 2010

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After my brother’s wedding party, just like 2009 really got a perfect ending in the beginning of 2010. I was tried and not ready to face 2010 yet.


It’s the first time a year passed and I do not know what should I do in next year. In every November or October, I always bought many notebooks for next year and even wrote the plans for next year in these. But, I have no idea this year. Maybe I had a tight 2009 and need rest in 2010.


But, time passes still.


I had a big crying at night on week 2 of 2010. With my cousin. We did not sit on sofa as before and did not drink red wine as before. We stood in my whole new room and TV was on. A quite serious discussion was beginning of our life. Not cousins’ but cousins’.


I got cried when he just said only the third sentence. Maybe I deeply knew I got misunderstanding as I silenced as I faced another case. I deeply knew I was wrong.


My cousin, he is not only my cousin. Sometimes, he is like my friend, my teacher and even my BEST COUSIN in the world. After the talking, he left some on my brain and printed them: you may believe me or even you have not to believe me, but, nothing is real, getting full is real.


Yes or not. We always have to find it by ourselves. At the end, only you know what is real or not.


That night, we spoke about the life before that I faced. People always like that. You think you were in a tough life, but, for the others, you are in a fortune. You won’t need any argument. But, what is behind fortune?


Finally, we had a conclusion- everything is controlled on our hands. We actually can decide what kind of life we will. And, I got the light and right.


Thank you, cousin II.

台長: Elizabeth TU


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