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2009-05-02 12:42:04| 人氣897| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

-Letting go,,.

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妃妃説    如果跟愛人一起看就好

哈    我也想呢  2009年4月26日 -        smile鬼 *  - ●ω●   連貝多芬都想告訴你.










2009年4月26日 -        smile鬼 *  - ●ω●   連貝多芬都想告訴你.神啊救救我吧  (哈)


推薦  Letting go.



Letting go    jo de la rosa

Gotta get myself together
Try to make it through tonight
Tell myself the way we were never broken
There are times thought I might be
Finding ways to make it right
That you walked away and opened up my eyes
Now I see that I have been wasting time
I had a picture of us in my mind
Now it’s fading and there was nthing left to do
Letting go,cuz I know,we were only half way there
Even though we were close
I was holding on iust long enough to know
I should be letting to
I should be letting to
Thingking back on when you used to
Fill my head with fancy words
Wishing now that I refuse to listen
How did I ever let it happen
Never thought I would never say
Gotta leave this life and all the foolish pain
Now I see that I have been wasting time
I had a picture of us painted in my mind
Now it’s fading there waw nothing left to do
Letting go ,cuz I know,
We were only half way there
Even though we were close
I was holding on just long enough to know
I should be letting go
I should be letting go
Now I see that I have been wasting time
I had a picture of us painted in my mind
I should be letting go
Now I see that I have been wasting time
I had a picture of us painted in my mind
Now it’s fading and there was nothing left to do
letting go,cuz I know
we were only half way there
even though we were close
I was holding on just long enough to know
I should be letting go
I should be letting go

台長: ♥ L .
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