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2010-08-07 15:24:23

數字 撲朔迷您 21

A/B=0.123456789...13717421/111111111=0.123456789...3607x 3803 /111111111=0.123456789...10821x 11409=123456789987654321=9x17x17x379721

2010-07-29 11:06:25

數字 撲朔迷您 20

88888888=108的中間只能任意填加减乘除﹢- × ÷符號888÷88-8÷88=1088888888=1008的中間只能任意填加减乘除﹢- × ÷符號ans: 8888÷88 -8÷8 =100(888-88)÷8+8-8=100 ---(*有加括號)(888-88)÷8x8÷8=100 ---...

2010-04-17 22:40:36

數字 撲朔迷您 19

a^2 = b^2 + c^2 ( a,b,c 為正整數)可能恰恰好有3組解嗎!?求證。例如;13^2 = 12^2 + 5^2 ------ 一組解65^2 = 63^2 + 16^265^2 = 56^2 + 35^2 --------二組解9553^2 = 8692^2 + 3915^29553^2 = 7375^2 + 6072 ---...

2010-03-13 10:52:20

數字 撲朔迷您 18

加上數學符號 + - x / ! √ .使得等式成立1 1 1 = 62 2 2 = 63 3 3 = 64 4 4 = 65 5 5 = 66 6 6 = 67 7 7 = 68 8 8 = 69 9 9 = 60 0 0 = 6數字 撲朔迷您 17 解:123+45-67+8-9=100123+4-5+...

2010-03-13 10:45:54

數字 撲朔迷您 17

在□1□2□3□4□5□6□7□8□9=100這條數式中,填入+-或空白,令它成為一條完整的數式。*數字 撲朔迷您 16解:987654321÷ 123456789 ≒ 8 (8.0000000729)123456789 x 2 = 246913578----- 234567891 x 2 = 46913...

2010-01-18 15:29:31

數字 撲朔迷您 16

ABCDEFGHI ÷ abcdefghi = N1-9求解*數字 撲朔迷您 15解: 689725314 / 219546387 = 3.1415926...

2010-01-18 15:24:05

數字 撲朔迷您 15

******314 / *1**4*3** = 3.1415926...= pi分子分母為1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 組成求解http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/littleflea/post/1320534109

2009-12-08 08:24:03

數字 撲朔迷您 14

http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/littleflea/post/1320534060(撲朔迷您 13 解答:11826^2 = 13985427612363^2 = 15284376912543^2 = 15732684914676^2 = 21538497615681^2 = 24589376115963^2 = 25481736918072^2 = 326...

2009-12-04 08:37:57

數字 撲朔迷您 13

數字 撲朔迷您 13正整數 ABCDEFGHI 由 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.9 組成,且為平方數。求解。http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/littleflea/post/1320374033(撲朔迷您 12 解答 : 5)

2009-12-03 10:54:26

數字 撲朔迷您 12

The last digit is interesting1^3 = 1 ...The last digit is 12^3 = 8 ...The last digit is 83^3 =27 ...The last digit is 74^3 =64 ...The last digit is 45^3 = 125 ...The last digit is 56^3 = 216 ...The la...

2009-12-03 08:20:38

數字 撲朔迷您 11

The following squares remain squares when you add 1 to each of their digits: 0, 25, 2025, 13225, 4862025, 60415182025, and 207612366025. (For example, 25 becomes 36.) Find the next such square.http://...

2009-11-30 22:05:17

數字 撲朔迷您 10

Find a 10-digit number that describes itself. The first digit will be the numbers of 1's in the number, the second digit will be the number of 2's, and so forth, through the ninth digit. The tenth dig...

2009-11-30 19:11:23

數字 撲朔迷您 9

小六的小男生把數字牌按大小順序擺在桌上, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 擺呀擺,拿啊拿,突然問我一個數學題, 『 數字牌只能拿走,不能移動,可以不拿,要拿幾張都可以,但是最少要剩一個數字牌,剩下的數字牌形成一個數,請...

2009-03-18 20:17:04

數字 撲朔迷您 8

用123456789選任何兩個以上數字排出遞增數字,數字不能重複。 可以排出幾個遞增數字?http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/littleflea/post/1320345938( 數字7 撲朔解:96431 x 8752 = 843984112 )

2009-03-18 19:01:09

數字 撲朔迷您 7

A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I 為不同的數字,由1到9.求 ABCD x EFGHI 的最大乘積。http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/littleflea/post/1312364457( 數字6 撲朔解:Ans : 11 --- 1Ans : 105263157894736842 --- 2 An : 10344827586...

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