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2009-06-11 20:38:06| 人氣6,123| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Annecy 2009 Live:安錫國際動畫影展第三天

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"Birth" by Signe Baumane(USA, Italy)

Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre, a Canadien directrice talks about the birth of her daughter in the film "Passages".It's interesting to see another directrice talking about a similar subjet.

The directrice said she was also pregnant as she was young like the main character in the film, so the movie is inspired by her own experience. Having kids is not as so "easy" as the movie "Juno" presents...

Bill Plyptom asked her why the movie has a long credit in the end, she said that's because she asked people to give her donation because the US government supported wars, not arts. So her film is like a "collective baby" for the help of a lot of people.(like Obama's research of funding for his campaign?)

"Codswallop" by the Brothers McLeod

The title means "silliness" or "non-sense".However, what a pleasure to watch the work of Greg and Myles McLeod! Viva the non-sense!

"Runaway" by Cordell Barker(Canada)

It's totally coincident that the movie seems talk about our time of global economical crisis. People sold what they have to upper class of society, but they get betrayed by them...An ironic movie for our era!

"Runaway" Making-of 幕後製作花絮報導

"Slavar" by Hanna Heilborn and David Aronowitsch(Sweden) ---> 榮獲今年安錫影展短片最高榮譽水晶大獎

Non, don't expect to see fantastic animation scenes in this Swedish animated documentary.

There are just lifes of two Sudanian kids. They have survived from the ugliness of human beings and have a normal life, that's the most "fantastic".

Maybe you have heard a lot of things like this in media, the authors hope to make you to stay a while and listen to their story.

-導演們先前作品也是動畫形式的記錄短片---- 「躲藏的小孩」Hidden


"Farewell" by
HSU Chu-ling 許竹伶《珍重再見》

"Happy birthday to me" by LEE hui-shan

"The Soliloquist" by MA Kuang-pei 馬匡霈《「我說啊…,」我說》 ---> 榮獲今年安錫影展畢業作品組特別榮譽獎(Mention spécial)

Four Taiwanese short films are selected by the Festival of Annecy, and three of them are graduation films. Generally speaking, their graphic design are all interesting. The most successful is "Farewell", it uses just simple cinematographic way and it works quite well.

"Happy birthday to me" has an good idea to developpe a story, the graphic design is quite fun, but it's just like a cake that doesn't succeed to get its "form".

[新聞] 法國「安錫國際動畫影展」 台灣四部作品入圍

Here is a Belgian graduation film, "Nice day for a picnic" (比利時學生作品「適合野餐的好天氣」) of Monica Gallab. I think it could be selected in official competition with other professionals.

台長: lilou
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嗚 看不懂...
2009-06-12 12:48:17
Sorry, it it impossible to tape in Chinese with computers of the Festival...

The Chinese version will come soon! :)

不好意思 今年主辦單位還是無法幫我在記者室電腦上安裝中文打字系統 連毛利語或南非祖魯語都有 就是無法用中文打字啊

我現在加上一些中文說明以及連結 希望有點幫助

2009-06-15 18:06:52
The Soliloquist 我說啊,我說
2009-06-12 19:41:08
Really? It’s better to see that short film in a movie theatre. :)

2009-06-12 20:48:34
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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