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2009-06-10 23:37:54| 人氣2,917| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Annecy 2009 Live: 安錫國際動畫影展第二天

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"L’Ondée" by David COQUARD-DASSAULT(France, canada) 「大雨落不停」

Such a raining day...

David has done an animated films with lots of rain, I think this poetic movie could be dedicated also to a rainy city like Taipei.

It's selected also by the fesitval of Cannes last year. You had better see it in a movie theather so that you could appreciate it more...

"Western spaghetti" by PES(USA) 「另類義大利麵」

Pes comes from New York and has Italien origin. Does he make this short film for the love of her mother’s cuisine?

"Pirogues" by Alice Bohl(Ireland, France) 「移民哀歌」

"Pirogue" means small boat.The movie talks about two Afrians' life in Europe. Immigration is always an important issue in Europe. Starving and unemployed in homeland or exiling as an illegal foreigner?

(In these videos, Joann acts as...the Cat/le Chat 史法親自下海演出會說話的靈貓角色,好大一隻貓...)

"le Chat du Rabbin", feature film by Joann Sfar(France)

No, this is not a live action film. Even we could see the French actress Hafsia Herzi in costume, that's just for animators to capture the acting of characters. It's much harder making an animated film, but Sfar prefers keeping his graphic style and makes his first feature in animation...

In the conference, the team has shown images and the teaser, iit seems great...

-Videos of the acting for the animated film 給動畫師們參考的真人演出片段錄影

台長: lilou
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Coucou :)

ca va? Tu reviens cet annee?

J’aimerais voir les liens que tu as donne, mais je ne peux pas ni connecter directement, ni copier le text...si tu peux donner un lien sur l’article, ce serait parfait. :)

Profite toi encore les jours (le dernier jour?) a Anncy~

2009-06-13 12:01:34

Non, malheureuse je n’ai pas de moyens cette année. Merci de m’avoir signalé le problème de connection, je l’ai corrigé normalement...

gros bisous(également à F!)

2009-06-15 18:02:47
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