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2010-03-30 15:34:59| 人氣341| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

finally I could...

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The sun rise...


I finally could take a few pictures of it.

but, it's still not the best ones, because the sky was a bit cloudly this morning....

I hope I can capture more nice ones in the future. 

it's really refreshing to see the sunrise every morning from our balcony. 

Although there are big big constructions outside, but, we can still see the sea and mountain on the HK side (New Territories). 


Not matter how tired the day it was in the past, a new day begins with hope and joy. :)

we should try to appreciate every single day while we are still alive and able to see the beautiful sky.


台長: 普通人
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