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2010-03-30 15:22:27| 人氣139| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Happy time in HK

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Right now, we are in Hong Kong, but will go home in the few hours.

I love Hong Kong, why?

Because it is the place where I was born.

Even though I had been living in Canada for almost 20 years, I still love Hong Kong in some ways.

Erika will be a flower girl next Monday, and we let her to try out the new dress this weekend, she looks pretty good in it, and I still need to get her a pair of cute shoes.

She turned around few times after wearing the dress, she loves it.. but I hope she can be more "LADY" like... not like a little cow girl in the ceremony. hahaha


So, we will go to HK again on the coming weekend....


Friends in HK, I do miss you guys, but sorry that it seems like I am too busy recently that I can't meet up you guys. But, surely one day, I will see you all one by one. :)


We bought a little pair of hair clips for Erika...

the Pig's ears. hahaha


台長: 普通人
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全站分類: 海外旅遊(國外、大陸) | 個人分類: 香港點滴 |
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