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2010-03-30 15:16:19| 人氣113| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Typhoon in HK!

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We are now in HK again,

oh well, last week, we had a little gathering time with my cousin, because he will leave to Toronto and then ENgland very soon. So, we wanted to see him , other wise, we have to wait till December!

Then, Vincent has a short business trip to Shanghai from Today till Wednesday, so, I guess it's good for both of us to stay in HK for a little longer. 
However, today we have a typhoon here! WE didn't go out to anywhere , because it's not so safe.

Luckily we bought some food yesterday so that we have something to cook for lunch/dinner. :)

I hope tomorrow will be better so that we can go out and take some walk.

Regarding to Erika's 'hair style', I accepted it, hhaaha..

台長: 普通人
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