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2010-03-30 15:10:33| 人氣273| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Not ready yet

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Mom and dad told me that they wanted to send me to the nursery, and we already did the body check and took pictures. However, yesterday, mommy said that they finally decided not to do that for now. Because they think that I am not ready yet. 

1) I am still too young.

2) Mom can take care of me, because she doesn't need to work. 

3) The nursery program is usually 'full day' from 7:30am till 4:30pm. They include meals, and napping time. However, mommy thinks that the full day program is too long for me, and she doesn't want to leave me alone in the nursery school.

4) THE H1N1 is a problem, and I am still too young and "NEW" in ShenZhen, if I get sick again, it will not be good. 

So, they finally did not go for it. I am so happy because I can stay with mommy for a longer period. 

Mom said that if the H1N1 problem is getting better later , they might send me to the school and try the half day program. They want me to learn more Mandarin, and meet new friends.  This may take few more months they guess.

Today I went to Hong Kong with mommy. I behaved pretty well in the short trip. We firstly arrived Yee Ma's place, and then we had a quick lunch and an early afternoon nap. After that we went to 黃埔 for shopping, and then took the train back home. The whole trip was very 'peaceful' and not so crowded with people. :) Mommy was happy because she took the stroller with me this time, and the Taxi drivers were all so kind that they helped a lot so that my mom could relax a bit. 

We are looking forward to go to Hong Kong again and hopefully we can meet Yee Ma and other relatives soon. 

Mommy loves Hong Kong, because she actually found that the stuffs are cheaper over there if compare with Shenzhen's stores. 


Lillian thinks:

1) I actually don't mind to wait, but Vincent wants her to learn more Mandarin, and meet more friends. 

2) I did think that If Erika goes to school, I will have more free time, I can do what I want to do, even go to School or something. but.. I can't be too selfish.. seems like it's better for me to stay close with Erika in this period of time. I do want to establish a better 'mom and daughter' relationship. 

3) Erika will go to school one day, and her 'study' period is long, it's a long long journey, so, if I want to do my own things, I  can do them 'later'. It's never a rush to do them. :) 


台長: 普通人
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