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2009-01-06 07:11:45| 人氣274| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Turtle neck cable bobbles vest is done!

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Finally, I spent some time last night on Erika's vest, and it's done!

I am quite glad with it, the turtle neck is a bit too small thecircumference, so we need some effort to put it over Erika. :P  But,still manageable though..

Since ERika's neck is not that long, she doesn't need "TURTLE NECK"actually, haha, and I leave the turtle neck 'opened' without thebuttons on. It actually becomes more stylish with the buttons off.

I love this malabrigo silky merino yarn, it's so light, I used only1.1 skein for this vest, and the weight is so light! But, it keeps herbody warm ! :) 

I think I will get more silky merino yarn in the future for moreprojects, it's fun and fast to work with. (Do I have to mention theircolors? I think everyone knows:  the semi solid shades are justgorgeous! ) 

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