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Familiarity breeds contempt.



A: Hannah, pour me some water! And get me the newspaper while you’re up.


B: Gosh, I’m busy mopping the floor. Can you wait a bit?


A: Wait a bit? Why do you always move in slow motion? Are you Retarded? Get on it quick!


B: Okay, okay…I’ll get the water right away.


A: Brother! You are so stupid. Water without ice? And you didn’t even think of bringing a plate of fruit while you’re at it?


B: Hey, I know that familiarity breeds contempt, but you’re way out of line and I’m sick of it!



Pour(v.)                     familiarity (n.)熟悉;親近

mop(v.)拖地                   breed (v.)引起;產生

slow motion 慢動作             contempt (n.)蔑視

retarded( adj.)弱智的            right away馬上



    be at sth.從事某事

Would you also make me some pancakes while you’re at it?


    out of line越軌;無理

Those boys’ behavior is definitely out of line!


    be sick of…厭惡

I’m so sick of your lies. It’s over between us!






Actions speak louder than words




A: John, why do you play video games all day?


B: I was just discharged from the army, so I want to relax a bit.


A: So what are your plans for the future?


B: Well, I plan to set up a business venture, so I can become a billionaire before the age of 30. And then I plan to buy cars and houses, get married, and have kids!


A: “Actions speak louder than words. “You’re all talking and no action.”


B: Don’t worry. My action plan is to train myself to become an expert video game player and use the prize money I win as seed money.

B: 放心,我的行動計畫就是訓練自己成為電玩高手,然後把贏來的獎金當作創業基金!


Video game 電玩                    action plan (改善缺失的)行動計畫

Venture (n.) 冒險事業,企業            train (v.)訓練

Billionaire(n.)億萬富翁                prize (n.)獎金

Action (n.)行動                      seed money 創業基金

Talk (n.)空話


Discharge from….退();允許離開

She was discharged from the hospital last week.



Set up 設立;創立

After the civil war, a new government was set up




直譯是:”行動比言語大聲意思是”What one does is more important than what one says.”一個人做什麼比說什麼重要

Speak of the devil and the devil comes.說曹操,曹操就到



A: Hmm. Why didn’t I see Judy and her husband around at our class reunion?

A: ,這次同學會我怎麼沒看到阿珠和她老公?

B: You’re right. Don’t they love taking part in all kinds of gatherings?


A: Well, I did hear some rumors…I heard that her husband entered a bad business deal and lost a lot of money.

A: 我是有聽到一些流言啦!...聽說她老公前陣子做生意生敗,賠掉一大筆錢

B: There is also some hearsay that her husband was seeing a chick behind her back, and that they almost got a divorce.


A: I’m guessing that they’re now hiding at home and don’t dare come out. Ha ha!


B: Speak of the devil and the devil comes. There they are. Keep your voice down.



Around (adv.)在附近;在周圍            see(v.)約會

Reunion(n.)團聚                      chick(n.)(俚語)小妞

Gathering(n.)聚會                     divorce(n.)離婚

Rumor(n.)謠言;傳說                   dare(v.)膽敢

Deal(n)交易                          devil(n.)(口語);傢伙



Take part in ….參加

Would you like to take part in this weekend’s picnic?



Behind one’s back背著某人(從事某事)

He has been stealing money behind his boss’s back.



可以說成: Speak of the devil and the devil comes.

         Speak of the devil and here he/she comes.

           Speak of the devil.


Practice makes perfect




A: Coach, Chien-Ming Wang’s sinker is way too difficult to master. I’m never going to learn it.

A: 教練,阿民的伸卡球太難練了啦,我永遠練不會

B: Stop complaining. You can do it as long as you practice every day.

B: 別抱怨,你只要每天練,一定行的

A: And, curveballs and sliders are humanly impossible.


B: Are you saying that baseball players are not human? Cut the rubbish.


A: Not to mention fork balls, breaking pitches…


B: Practice makes perfect. Hurry up and practice. Otherwise you’ll never make it to the pros.



Coach (n.)教練                         impossible(adj.)不可能的

Sinker (n.)伸卡球                       curveball (n.)曲球

mention(v.)提到                        Master (v.)精通.掌握                    fork ball 指叉球                       Complain (v.)抱怨                      breaking pitch變化球                   Slider (n)滑球                          perfect(adj.)完美的                     Pro (n)職業選手;專家(professional)      Humanly (adv.)憑人力地


as long as…只要

He can become a promising tennis player as long as the practices every day.



Cut the rubbish少說廢話

Let’s cut the rubbish and get down to work.






Let bygones be bygones往者已矣;既往不咎



A: John, what a coincidence! It’s been a long time. What’s up?

A: 阿將,真巧,好久不見啊,近來可好?

B: Hmph, How dare you talk to me! Has the fact that you once stole my girlfriend slipped your mind? You shameless jerk!


A: Come on; I was young and stupid. I’m really sorry…


B: Luckily, I was able to find a new girlfriend that’s even prettier then her…


A: Wow, congratulations! Let bygones be bygones. Please! Can you forgive me?


B: Yeah, you wish!



Coincidence (n)巧合                     luckily(adv.)幸運地;幸好

Dare(aux.)竟敢                         congratulations(n)恭喜;祝賀

Once (adv.)曾經;一度                    bygones(n.)(複數)過去(不愉快)的事

Shameless(adj.)無恥的                   forgive(v)原諒

Jerk(n.)(俚語)蠢人;無賴                  Stupid(adj.)愚蠢的


What’s up?


“This is John calling”, “Oh, hey, John, what’s up?”

我是John,  .John,近來如何?


Slip one’s mind 被某人遺忘

I was very busy this afternoon, and it completely slipped my mind that I had an appointment with my teacher.


You wish!想得美.做白日夢

“I wish I were a millionaire!” “Yeah, you wish!”真希望我是個百萬富翁.是喔.想得美


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