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2004-04-15 00:31:00


2004/04/14 今天和一般一樣,早上五點多的鬧鐘,賴床賴到六點多起來,聽全國廣播彭蒙惠的大家說英語,因為初級先放,所以我多半都是聽前半個小時的初級,高級的後半個小時大概聽個十分鐘就得出門了,其實也沒差!因為高級我...

2004-04-14 00:39:00

Joke...Genie in a bottle

There was this man walking on the beach and he found a bottle. He rubbed it and a genie came out and said, “I will grant you 3 wishes.” The man said, “No Shit!” Then he all of a sudden had to u...

2004-04-14 00:30:00

Captain Hook's Death

How did Captain Hook die? He wiped his bum with the wrong hand!!

2004-04-14 00:27:00

Joke....Canadian, Eh?

There were 3 explorers, hiking through what is now known as Canada. "You know," said one of the explorers, "we should name this place we're hiking through." "I know," said the second explorer. "We'l...

2004-04-14 00:24:00

Jokes....Blonde and Genie

A blonde, a brunette and a redhead were stuck on an island for many, many years until one day the found a magic lamp. They rubbed it hard and out popped a genie. He said that he could only give three ...

2004-04-11 02:59:00


老闆和老闆娘(我都叫他們胖店長和副店) 他們滿注重一件事,就是偷竊問題… 因為在那個地區,他們的店開了將近十年才有這第二間店, 所以他們累積的經驗也是很豐富的! 他們會不斷的提醒我,關於偷竊和騙徒的問題! 比...

2004-04-11 02:45:00


真的,我剛開始覺得他們都很辛苦,應該分擔一些, 擔當也有這樣交代! 我盡量做到分擔! 可是,我知道這件事之後,就覺得,不應該隨便可憐別人! 因為這個世界上,會用苦肉記的人太多了! 包括總統(咦…怎麼扯到總統去了.....

2004-04-11 02:16:00


過了沒幾天,直營店的人幾乎都被調走, 只剩下大夜班這小子沒被調走, 對了,還有直營店的店長好像也沒有告訴大家他會被調到哪去! 聽說他之前和一個店員鬧得很不愉快,大家心理都很討厭他! 我在”人未到聲先到”的情況...

2004-04-10 21:51:00


四月五日發薪水和店長complain之後, 或許是因為我們幾乎吵了起來, 嗯,我有點刻意! 因為我覺得如果不這樣可能會撐不久吧! 我盡量從頭開始說, 印象中,是3/10我二十七生日後的隔一天, 我心理想著,如果再不找份工作...

2004-04-05 23:38:00


My family is average size: four people. My younger brother is serving in the army, and he will be discharged from military service this April. My younger sister has been married for two years and has ...

2004-04-05 20:52:00


掃玩墓的隔天,一樣早上六點五時到, 那個胖胖的店長我對他並不熟,但是越來越討厭他! 他對某些事情會刻意閃躲! 對某些事情他講話很大聲! 事實上我並不認為能在中華路開一家店開十年的人是好人! 他的樣子也不像!可...

2004-04-05 00:05:00

autobiography (修正版)

In my family, unless we too far, my parents wouldn’t teach us what we should do or should not do. Hence we wasted a lot of time groping our way along towards the future. Ordinarily I like to read...

2004-04-05 00:00:00


今天全家一起去掃墓, 滿早的,可是我沒戴錶也沒注意時間! 我連早餐都沒吃,只吃了一顆酸梅!因為爸問了一句, 想吃什麼早餐,我回答:”楊清華潤餅”…就算排隊一個小時可能也買不到! 所以大家今天都沒吃早餐! 而我想...

2004-04-04 03:59:00


新聞和廣播都有報今天是張國榮逝世一週年,廣播裡都在播他的歌! 嗯!明天四月二日是我在我家包月的最後一天! 因為三月中我去應徵了全家的工作,本來認為早上七點到下午一點滿輕鬆的,誰知道那家店有點奸詐,是直營店轉加...

2004-04-04 03:59:00



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