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2006-03-02 23:28:29| 人氣61| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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InaugarationSSSS. NO COMMENT!

It is not a matter that we have to spare our time and attend those inaugarations. What matters is that how we are assigned to attend the inaugarations. I can no longer hide my feeling but to expose my swapped comment on the fairness of people assigned to go.

Damn! What’s happening actually? I have often heard that SOMEONE was not actually going to the inaug or SOMEONE was....... Especially for the incident about CYBERPORT. Who say that the one who cannot sell the ticket has to go to cyberport! Yet, pun and I were present in the boring party while TWO were not so. What’s the matter! SHIT~ Please think on our side. We are not in fact as free as you are. I really have my own stuff to finish. No COMMENT again!!!!! It is not the first time that I have experienced such arrangement!

To clarify it AGAIN, your inaug timetable is NOT CLEAR and UNFAIR. -.-

angry ING..................moloi ING .................................

台長: *FancyLenG *
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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