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2006-02-19 04:45:55| 人氣146| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wt I realli yearn foR ...

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Let me report what I hv done these days, esp for You whom I hvt contacted for dayssss.

BA fes will be held at the mid of march. Tt will last 2 weeks. I am obliged to take an admin post, mkt officer, as well as pic of academic function. This function is similar to our food fair , which students are encouraged to hold the counter for selling their targeted goods. These 2 duties take up my most of thie time. Meeting for the ba fes has to be held every week. Long time meeting indeed!

meanwhile, obsa in sem 2 gives us heavy burden as we are required to hv 3 presents. We hv presented once. it is v badly done. we just rush ed to finish. We hv nv finished the task as worse as this time. we cant accept it.

talking about my study, I try my best to catch up my lessons. So far , the progress is quite ok. I exert more effort this sem thus I m really exhausted ... DOG TIRED. dying .... I hv to be more energetic ... hope so ~^^

Stat test 1 was badly done. I took it this morning(18/2). I progress well in acct and fin. eco doesnt take me too much time. As for stat, I miss many lessons due to soc work and personal reason. I just revise it the day before the test day. When I took the test this morning, i felt v unseure. I dislike such feeling. I hv nth in mind. I hv no idea where to start and wt to do nest when doing the test. I feel so bad!!!

I have one thing to complain. tonight, pun n I went to attend a U party which is located at hk island, miles aways from CU. ( a bit exagerating) this is realli long story. thus i cant explain to u within a few lines. to conclude, such DAMN function is vv time consuming for the food tasted vvvv bad and the party decoration is unacceptable. The whole rundown deserves no praise. Wt the hell of holding such meaningless joint u party. Vvvv TOI ~~ That’s wt we felt this night. In order to relieve our anger for the time and $ we contributed, we wandered around at the causeway bay and mongkok for 2 hours. we transited for several times. the total time for traveling tonight exceeded 3 hours!!!! I bought 3 coats and one short trouser.

Ricky entered another round in his volleyball Again. I hv great confident in YOU. I-bank ~~` You CAN. 3.9~~ You CAN.

Con: You r my forever special best frd in my lifetime. Pls be confident in me and yourself. OK? Add oil for sem2~ I will be back in late April.

Lam: happi to be yr sister. i just feel so easy to share my things with YOU

Give my sincere and heartfelt regards and wishes to all my frds esp for MiMi, Soso, KK, LILI(when will u appear), irene, KK, SIca, Ceci, CAndy,

P.S. special thank to CIN CIN

台長: *FancyLenG *
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